Wisdom From the Sandbox University

Stop Teaching. Start Learning.

Serena Raj
Readers Hope


Markus Spiske — Unsplash

As I scroll through social media posts and videos, I am amazed by the brilliance and intelligence of some of these kids. It got me thinking: maybe it’s time we stopped teaching kids and started really learning from them!

Forget Harvard and Oxford, welcome to Sandbox University, where the curriculum is designed by the world’s most tiny geniuses! They are the masters and it’s high time we adults start taking notes from them.

Senjuti Kundu — Unsplash
  1. The Art of Asking Why?

Why is the sky blue? Why do I have to go to School if Google knows everything? Why can’t I eat lunch at breakfast? Asking too many questions seems annoying, but the moment we stop asking ‘why’ as adults, we lose our youthful spirit and start to age at heart.

2. The Art of Peace-Making

Have you ever witnessed kids fight on a playground? Within minutes, conflicts over who goes next on the swing or the slide are resolved with no fuss. They have an ability to forgive and forget in seconds with nothing more than a high-five or a snack. If only international government leaders handled conflicts like our…



Serena Raj
Readers Hope

I pen my thoughts on whatever grabs my attention, like a magpie drawn to shiny ideas!