Wisdom in Action

Suresh Sangwan Saru
Readers Hope
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2024


Seizing the Urgency of Righteousness

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

In the grand theatre of life, where finite constraints bind human capabilities, one can humbly acknowledge their limited understanding within this vast expanse.

It’s an admission that I navigate life with little wisdom and understanding and act accordingly. There’s no guarantee I can offer, for such is the nature of our existence.

This recognition dissipates the illusion of ego, for no matter how extensive one’s worldly knowledge may seem, it remains a fragment in the tapestry of universal wisdom embodied by the divine.

Photo by Alfonso Scarpa on Unsplash

The pursuit of understanding the sacred is the pursuit of actual knowledge. From it emanate positive deeds, called ‘good karma.’

There should be no insistence on auspicious days or specific moments for auspicious deeds in life’s journey. Delay in virtuous actions only distances us from their fruition.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the tale of Ramayana, where Ravana met his downfall. As Rama approached him, acknowledging his wisdom, Ravana imparted two principles: “Shubhasya Shighram” and “Ashubhasya Kalaharanam.”

Translated, it means if one wishes to embark upon a noble endeavor, one should initiate it promptly, without the need for deliberation or seeking counsel. Indeed, the essence of making life meaningful lies in the swiftness of virtuous deeds.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

As for the second principle, if the desire to engage in evil acts arises, it’s advised to delay and let time pass, for in procrastination, the task may eventually dissolve, sparing one from its consequences.

Indeed, life’s true mantra lies in the expeditious pursuit of goodness.
As for the other principle, it warns against hastening evil deeds, advocating instead for delay and procrastination, letting time dissipate the urge, and sparing oneself from its repercussions.

Essentially, it’s a profound philosophy urging us to embrace the urgency of righteousness while exercising patience and restraint in the face of hostility. It’s a call to action tempered with wisdom, guiding us towards a life of purpose and virtue.

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Suresh Sangwan Saru
Readers Hope

Passionate Writer, Curious Learner, I am saru who weaves the beauty of words, melodies, With a profound passion for music ,soulful gazals,