Your Body is A Gate To Joy

How to get rid of emotional overwhelm by doing this one thing.

Readers Hope
5 min readMay 31, 2022


Free stock photo by Sebastian VoortmanPexels

Have you ever felt the need to take a walk after a stressful day at work? Or maybe after arguing with your partner?

And after taking a breath of fresh air and having walked for some time you feel energised again. Now you’re ready to go back home and continue arguing a bit more.

Just kidding. I guess…

Have you ever wondered on why that happens?

It’s extremely simple, actually.

Chemicals as the roots to emotions

We are made of, in a nutshell, a bunch of chemicals. And every emotional state we experience is nothing but a certain type of chemistry that got created in our body.

Or better yet, that we have created.

Meaning that in order to get stressed at work we have used our body and mind in such a way that they released stress-related chemicals.

For example, sitting all day maybe with our back a bit curved looking at a computer screen for hours on end, maybe arguing with a colleague or being told off by our boss. Or again feeling behind with work and thinking already about a load of work accumulated for the day after, or the weeks ahead and picturing ourselves dealing with emails over emails and people to speak to and situations to sort out. And so on and so forth.

Such situations force us to be in the fight or flight mode constantly, which causes us to feel the rush of survival-driven emotions flooding our system for as long as we are immersed in a fast-paced, stressful environment.

In other words, we’re STRESSED.

The easy way to feel good

By doing all of the above we have subconsciously used our body in such a way that it was “forced” to produce chemicals that could protect the mechanism from potential danger.

But then we’ve all noticed how by getting out of the office and simply by going for walk, or hitting the gym we feel rebooted.

Why does that happen?

Well, what I’m getting at here is that our body is literally the vessel to all emotions we experience and where the chemicals created from the brain get released. And if you were to look at what emotions are, from a scientific standpoint, you could see that a very interesting definition talks of emotions as “the chemical residue of an experience.”

Therefore it would be great to understand fully and mainly to embrace the fact that through the aid of our body we can change how we feel at any given time.


In any way possible. If you want to try this out right now should pause reading for a couple of minutes (don’t forget to come back though), and put on one of your favourite songs that used to (or that still does) make you want to dance like crazy.

Then stand up, stretch yourself and let the music take you wherever she wants. I am pretty sure that after being done you could physically notice feeling more excited and joyful even if there might be no apparent reason for it.

Well well…

The bitter truth

Now, what’s tricky to soak in is not that by changing how we feel we’d get over feeling overwhelmed or stressed for good just by dancing for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately not. I wish it were like that.

But to understand that building up a system of habits where we could move and use our body matching OUR real “emotional” intentions on a daily basis is a pretty smart and clever thing to do, isn’t it?

Problem is, people are lazy. Who wants to do this, really?

*Let me go on my phone instead and watch a couple of funny videos and have laugh.* That will do.

Erm… No, it won’t, unfortunately. That’s called distraction. What we need to learn instead is the process of mastering oneself, getting to know more about one’s emotions, and disciplining them on our terms, without having to be enslaved to outer circumstances that apparently always get to decide how we should feel about ourselves.

Thats’ a bit sad.

The thing is that the majority of people prefer not to risk it, having to go through a whole journey to understand how to transcend and transform one’s emotions. Because nowadays it’s so easy to get constantly distracted and push back those feelings or emotions we don’t like.

We hide them, bury them and pretend “we got over it”. But one day they suddenly surface when dealing with similar situations and we would still be emotionally “too young” to be able to deal with them, even if we’re past 40 or 50 or 60 years of age.

Final thoughts

Dealing with our emotions is our duty and it’s a requirement in the process of growth and it’s the only way we get to be a better human/professional/husband or mother/brother or sister/friend and so on.

And our body is the greatest place to start with because it is there that our deepest emotions are rooted and it is through our body that we also get to trigger our brain to release different chemicals and eventually change the emotion experienced.

Physiology is only one of the many ways there are that allow us to work on our emotions and reboot them so that we can eventually experience a life that is closer to our deepest intentions.

Because eventually if we know how to make ourselves feel good, we will also live a damn good life. If we don’t, it’s hard to enjoy ourselves, regardless of our job, income, house, family, etc.

Emotions are the very pillars of the quality of our life.

We should all be more mindful of how we use them.

Thanks for reading.

Interested in learning more about how to deal with overwhelming emotions and the easy-to-apply tools to feel better instantly besides using our body? Then take a look at what my free webinar full of helpful and juicy content will offer you. It’s happening soon!



Readers Hope

Seeker of Meaning. Obsessed with researching tools that can enhance the unlimited Human Potential. Let’s live to the fullest.