Connectedreams’ Weekly Resources

Connectedreams Blog
4 min readJun 29, 2016


Architecture is probably a term hard to define in words especially when we talk about it in the 21st century. In a broad sense, everything that surrounds us comes under the category of “architecture”. It is an amalgam of variety of skills ranging from basic design to creating geometry or from studying history to learning about the city to be planned.

“Architecture is a genius solution to non-existing problems…” says a famous architect Hernan Diaz Alonso, when asked about his definition of the term Architecture. In other sense, architecture bridges the gap between the history and the present and has been a constant factor working towards evolving and shaping the world from ages.

That is why, in order to sustain this canvas of life around us in the form of beautiful buildings, engraved monuments and well-planned cities, we have collected a list of opportunities for the interested people to embark on new journeys in their lives and keep on building a new world every day for us to live in!

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