Those Who Can, Do Mentor!
Connectedreams Blog
2 min readDec 23, 2015

In every home, a little girl
Is her parents’ greatest pride.
No matter what, they will shield her
From the world that lies outside.

Do they know the glorious future
She conjures in her dreams?
“My dreams will all come true,” she thinks,
But it’s harder than it seems.

Her friends in school are like her too,
A dream on every mind.
But everybody cautions her,
For dreams are often blind?

“Aim for a safe career,” they say,
“Or find a man who does.”
And surely this is choice enough,
Compared to what once was?

Yes, this must be a fair bargain,
For the world is often rough.
And paychecks and job security
Will make her life less tough.

Her aunts and uncles all mean well
When they tell her what to do.
“And what about my dream?” she pleads,
But they haven’t got a clue.

Her choices slowly disappear.
The clock keeps ticking on.
Her options do not match her dreams…
Must she still be picking one?

A sigh. A tear. Despairing shrugs.
“My dreams will be forgotten.
A fantasy is all they were,
With no means to be begotten.”

“If only I had help,” she thinks,
“From somebody who knew
What it is that I must do
To make my dreams come true…”
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