READING FILM // Schedule

Santiago Quintero
3 min readAug 27, 2019


Fall 2019 // T-TH 1:00PM-2:15PM(FH229)

This schedule is not set in stone and it will certainly evolve as the semester proceeds. My recommendation is that you watch it regularly for more details. Also be sure to read your email and to check Moodle.

WEEK 1: Cultural Context
Aug. 27: Introduction / Precious Images (1986) [will watch in class]
Aug 29: Read: FE 5–11/ “Rachel” High Maintenance (2012) & “Formation” Lemonade (Beyoncé, 2016) [will watch in class]

WEEK 2: From Pre-production to Exhibition
Sept. 3
: Read: FE 17–31

Assignment: 1) Sign up for Medium, upload a picture, create a profile, write an initial post of 150 words, responding to Precious Images, “Rachel”, “Formation”, and/or the reading for this week. Tag your post with #readingfilms

Screening (Sept. 3): The Hurt Locker (2008) K. Bigelow

Sept. 5: Read: FE 31–52

WEEK 3: Mise-en-Scène

Sept. 10: Read: FE 97–118

Screening (Sept. 3): A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Amirpour, 2014)

Sept. 12: Read: FE 118–126

Assignment 2. Pick a shot from A Girl and write a 250-word text analyzing it. Publish the shot along with your text here in Medium. Tag your post with #readingfilms. (Analysis should be in before class)

WEEK 4: Cinematography

Sept. 17: Read: FE 128–153. This is America (2018) Childish Gambino [will watch in class]

Assignment2 Search #readingfilms on Medium. Find posts by a few of your peers in the class and add comments. Respond to comments.

Screening (Sept. 18): Children of Men(A. Cuarón, 2008)

Additional (non-mandatory) film: Citizen Kane (O. Welles, 1941)

Sept. 19: Read: FE 153–164

WEEK 5: Editing I

Sept. 24: Read: FE 167–189.

Screening (Sept. 25): Mad Max: Fury Road (George Miller, 2015)

Big Assignment #1: To be turned in BEFORE class time. Prompt in Moodle

Sept. 26: Read: FE 189–196 and “Time Frames” in Understanding Comics. The Invisible Art (S. McCloud, 1993) 94–117 (Moodle.)

WEEK 6: Editing II

Oct. 1: Read: FE 198–207.

Screening (Oct. 2): Battleship Potemkin (1925) Sergei Eisenstein

Oct. 3: No readings due

WEEK 7: Listening to Cinema

Oct. 8: Read: FE 209–226.

Screening (Oct. 9): Singin’ in the Rain(S. Donen, 1952)

Oct. 10: Read: FE 226–239 & “Sync Tanks. The Art and Technique of Postproduction Sound.” (Weis, 1995) (Moodle.)

WEEK 8: Fall Break- Midterm

THURSDAY Oct 17: In-Class Midterm

WEEK 9: Documentaries- Representing the Real

Oct. 22: Read: FE 283–299.

Screening (Oct. 9): The 13th (Ava Duverney, 2016)

Oct. 24: Read: FE 299–309

WEEK 10: Films and Narration- Screenwritting

Oct. 29: FE 244–266

Screening (Oct. 9): Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000)

Oct. 31: Read: FE 266–281


WEEK 11: Screenwritting Guest.

Nov. 5:


Nov. 7: Screenwriting Workshop with Geoffrey Gun- Script for Blade 3: Trinity S (30 first pages).

WEEK 12: Film and Genre (Gangster/crime films)

Nov. 12: FE 339–365

Screening (Nov. 13): Scarface (De Palma, 1983)

Nov. 14: FE 365–372

Nov. 15: NO CLASS- 2nd WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT DUE: Editing and Sound.

WEEK 13 and 14: Film and Genre 2 AND New Media and Experimental Film

Nov. 19: No readings due. (Continue Analysis on Genre)

Screening (Oct. 9): Guava Island (Hiro Murai & Childish Gambino, 2019)

Nov. 21: FE 311–337

Tuesday Nov. 26: No readings due.


WEEK 15: Conclusion (Going to the theater!)

Dec. 2: No readings

Movie going: TBD

Dec 3: No readings

WEEK 16: Prepping for the Exam


Dec.10: Final remarks- ASSIGNMENT №3 DUE!

