Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea
4 min readNov 9, 2021


My 9 Favorite Mystery/Thriller Book Series

While I read a wide variety of books, I am generally most excited when a new book is released in one of my favorite series. I enjoy revisiting favorite characters. Here is a short list of some of those favorites.

  1. The Harry Bosch Series by Michael Connelly – Connelly is perhaps the best police procedural author out there today. I love that he allowed Harry to age and dealt with all that came with reaching retirement age. The addition of Renee Ballard has kept the series fresh.
  2. Lucas Davenport/Virgil Flowers by John Sandford – I will list Lucas and Virgil together since they inhabit the same world and pop up in each other’s books. I love how they each go about their cases in a very different manner, but work well together when necessary. As above, I also like that he allows the characters to age and grow. It was also smart to move Lucas to a new job where it makes sense that he keeps getting these serious cases.
  3. The Dismas Hardy Universe by John Lecroart – I came across this series by accident. My wife was at work and a coworker was about to throw a book away after they finished it. She rescued the book and brought it home to me. It was A Certain Justice and focused on Abe Glitsky. I loved the book and looked for more. This is a great series with a large cast of characters who each get their own books. It started with Dismas and his rise from former…



Alan Simpson
Reading is a Novel Idea

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.