Book Review: Dancing Kites by Ananya V.Ganesh

“Dancing Kites” is not just a poetry book, but a book that has a little something for every kind of mood one can possibly have. If you love poetry, this book is definitely a valuable addition to your precious book collection. Here is why.

Lakshmi Mitter
Reading Journey
4 min readFeb 8, 2020


Considering that Ananya.V. Ganesh’s first book 9 Chocolatey Bites won accolades and appreciation from both children and parents alike, it is not surprising that her second book- Dancing Kites, is all set to win more hearts. Ananya is a writer with a flair for bringing out positivity and optimism in what ever she writes, be it prose or poetry.

In Dancing Kites, Ananya brings forth an anthology of poems that are picturesque and are bound to have a profound impact on the reader. The poems have been categorised according to different themes which makes it easy for a reader to choose a poem depending on one’s mood. Adding a short introductory note as well as famous quotes before each section begins, is a terrific way to set the mood and the expectations for what’s about to come.

Visual Appeal

What stood out for me the most in her style of poetry is the visual appeal. For instance the very first poem in the book, titled Lighting Up The World under the category Beauty All Around Us, starts with the following lines:

The water slapped the rocks mercilessly

The waves roared as they beat the sand

Lightening flashed and fought back the booming thunder,

Trees shivered in fear as their terrified leaves

Fell to the ground cowering with fury.

Reading the above lines, I could see myself standing on the beach as the poem reveals more. I enjoyed visualising the waves hitting against the rocks, I could hear the sound of the waves, feel the tremble hearing the thunder and wonder if the trees close to the beach, felt the same way. The poem then proceeds to show change in the scene, when calm is restored, skies clearing up and the sun appearing, bringing much relief. It was incredibly enjoyable to relate to Ananya’s perception of the forces of nature as being powerful in their own ways and at the same time, magnificent.

Thought Provoking

While the section Beauty Around Us forces us to open our eyes and not just notice but learn to appreciate the beautiful things around us, the sections What Makes Us Special and It’s Ok to Cry leads the reader on a more introspective journey. Ananya drives an important message home- “Don’t be too harsh on yourself.” She lays it all bare in this section and brings to light what each one of us tend to do through our judgements of others as well as ourselves. She inspires the reader to stand up for one’s rights and fight back. She motivates the reader to become a better person.


It is human to fear, to worry- perhaps it is a survival trait. But unfortunately those negative feelings stop us in our tracks and prevent us from forging ahead. We tend to stop believing that something good is possible. The Flickers of Hope Section of the book, reminds you in many beautiful ways that if we believe in the power of hope, we will survive the worst of times. Like any other section of the book which begins with a relevant quote that sets the mood for the poems, this section has a quote which deserves special attention here. It is from the best story collection ever written- Winnie The Pooh.

“Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh,

When we were underneath it!”

Said Piglet.

“Supposing it didn’t,”

Said Pooh after careful thought.

Just as the quote forces you to think of the matter from a different perspective, each of Ananya’s poems in the section, enable you to take a pause and revist the subject in question, to see it from a new perspective that offers hope.

Significant yet insignificant in the grand scheme of things

Perhaps the best philosphy that enables one to deal with one’s problems and worries without getting bogged down is the realisation that we are so small in comparison to the vast universe we live in. That perspective makes even our worries and problems looks smaller and gives us the strength to find solutions. The poems in the section Magic In The Stars reenforce that philosphy, in multiple ways by enabling you to imagine and revel the magnificent universe.

Life is not all work but play too

Ananya’s anthology of poems recognises that fact and makes sure that you get your dose of humor. The final section of the book titled Silly Things brings forth an incredibly delightful collection of poems that make even the most mundane of things in our daily lives, appear silly and even funny at times. While you browse through this section, make sure you read my favourites-Ketchup Cinderalla At School, Unstuck Yourself Elevator! & Shape Shifters.

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Reading Journey by MerryGoBooks spoke to Ananya about her book 9 Chocolatey Bites, her reading interests, why she likes to write as well as her thoughts on encouraging children to read for pleasure. Read the article here.

