Growing Pains by Kanika G

Growing up is not easy, even more so if you are a teenager. Kanika G in her first novel for young adults sums it all up in a very comforting manner. The book acknowledges the fact that teenage can be a very confusing time and more importantly that it is absolutely normal.

Lakshmi Mitter
Reading Journey
2 min readJul 3, 2018


If teenage is a confusing time, it can get a lot more difficult if one’s father gets transferred from place to place periodically. New school, new friends and the desperate need to fit into the new milieu can get particularly stressful for a sensitive teenager like Tara. Thankfully for her, she has an extremely supportive family which comprises of her parents and her twin sister Rashi.

Soon after the twins have joined the new school, Tara has to have an emergency appendectomy, adding on to her growing list of anxieties, a large part of which is being accepted among her peers, dealing with her first crush and understanding those feelings that come up within her for the first time. But she gets through all of it not just by her strive to be strong but also with the support of the family.

Why I would recommend reading this book:

  • This is an important book to be read not just by teenagers but also parents to understand what teenagers go through emotionally and be there for them to express their feelings freely. The book shows Tara’s parents as easily approachable, willing to have open and honest conversations about anything the girls want to talk about and above all being there for them especially when they need parental support and love. I must make a special mention of the twins’ mother here. She is an interesting character that readers will definitely look up to.
  • Kanika has cleverly woven several elements of suspense at the right points in the story which make you sit on the edge of your chair, wanting to read further, curious to find out what would happen next.
  • Above all, what appealed to me the most was the fact that Kanika acknowledges the fact that her target readership which comprises of mainly teenagers, are old enough to understand a lot of things. She states medical facts as they are without making an attempt to paint a colourful picture so to speak. This I believe would appeal to a lot of teenagers and give them a sense of self esteem.

The book is available on

Disclaimer: A copy of the book was sent to me for an honest review.

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