A Salute to Veracity: Fall 2023

Recapping some of my favorite reads from the fourth quarter of ‘23

The state of Medium will undoubtedly remain in flux for quite a long time. Those of us who write on the platform continue to grapple with how to get Boosted and build an audience. Many writers seem to tap into some effective strategies for doing this. But very few (if any!) of Medium’s pen-wielding denizens appear to have concocted that “secret sauce” certain to bring success to those who’d emulate it.

Meanwhile, my own quarterly tradition will continue. Whenever I find articles written by other writers that resonate with me, I compile them into a sort of “digital repository.” Then, I release that anthological list as a form of “self-curation.” My past examples of this archival have spanned: Spring 2021, Summer 2021, Autumn 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Autumn 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, and Summer 2023. So it’s now time for my Autumn 2023 edition of pieces that Medium authors have written throughout September, October, and November of last year. As always, some of these exceptional articles had been written prior to September — but I didn’t discover them until recently.

Like I normally do, I divide them up into nine different categories: Politics, Race, Gender & Sexuality, Disability, Religion



Anthony Eichberger
Reading Raccoons Ruminations Regurgitation Repository

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)