Book Review — The Real Food Revolution by Tim Ryan

U.S. Congressman Tim Ryan sounds the alarm on how crucial it is to transform America’s food systems

Photo by Paulette Cole (Courtesy of ALOHA)

Given how sustainable agriculture is such an ignored topic amidst our political discourse, it’s refreshing to see a D.C. legislator tackle it boldly and innovatively. U.S. Representative Tim Ryan — of Ohio’s 13th Congressional District — does exactly that in his 2014 book.

The Real Food Revolution: Healthy Eating, Green Groceries, and the Return of the American Family Farm contains 179 pages of narratives illustrating how American food systems are broken. But Congressman Ryan also provides a blueprint for how we can transform food culture in the United States through a combination of policy reforms and social activism.


Through his firsthand legislative perspective, Congressman Ryan offers us a window into who many of the key players are within the modern-day food sovereignty movement. He gives us a cliff notes historical overview of American agriculture, including explanations for why U.S. food policy has become so corrupt. Additionally, Ryan provides a plethora of online resources where citizens can go to begin taking action.



Anthony Eichberger
Reading Raccoons Ruminations Regurgitation Repository

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)