Pioneers of the Web3 Writing Revolution You Should Follow

Readl - Storytelling Tools for Web3
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2023

Publishing on the blockchain and the #Write3 movement, have been evolving quickly in the last year. As with any new technology or industry, finding good sources of information is critical to understanding how things work and how you can get involved.

Fortunately, there are many great writers out there who specialize in writing and educating about publishing on the blockchain.

Here are some of our favorite writers to follow if you want to learn more and get involved in the future of publishing.

Greg Younger

Greg Younger is a former financial advisor who has made a major career shift into the web3 space, where he is now known as the “write3 guy.”

He is helping web3 writers to improve their writing and get published on the blockchain, which is helping to create a buzz about #write3 and the potential of publishing directly on the blockchain. His Twitter threads offer practical tips and advice, as well as generate enthusiasm and excitement about the new opportunities that blockchain-based writing can bring.

Greg is all about empowering writers to create content and get it published directly on the blockchain, an area that he believes has tremendous potential. He is committed to helping writers leverage the blockchain to maximize the impact of their writing and deliver the best possible results.

Follow him the get the best tips to kick off your writing career in web3.

CD Damitio

CD Damitio is a Honolulu-based storyteller and Web3 pioneer. Editor of Vagobond Magazine and author of books that focus on the places where technology, travel, political, and the religious/philosophical meet.

In 2020, CD Damitio started ‘Litether’ and joined forces with WIP Publishing to create Readme Books and PageDao, which quickly became a platform-agnostic hub for writers.

He also created the first decentralized religion, Baldism, with its own governance token $BALDS. He’s also the creator of Vagobond Magazine, the first NFT periodical that can be read on chain and on platform, dropped on seven platforms including Readl. Owning issues of Vagobond Magazine will enable the claiming of $BALDS token that can be used for governance but also for buying unique art and participating in events.

The 2nd issue of Vagobond Magazine also includes a contribution from Readl.

Follow CD Damitio on Twitter at @vagobond to stay up to date with his latest writings and adventures.

Joan Westenberg

Joan Westenberg is a highly accomplished and versatile professional in the technology industry. She wears many hats as a technology journalist, writer, and creative director, and has made a significant impact in each of these fields.

Joan founded Self, a digital studio, and Von Media, a tech firm. She is also running MODA DAO, an org rewriting music for creators and fans. Joan is a leading tech voice (Smart Company) and one of the 100 Top Innovators (The Australian).

As a journalist, her work has been published in a wide range of reputable publications, from CoinTelegraph and The Next Web to The SF Chronicle, Wired, and The AFR. Her writing has also been featured on Junkee Media, SBS Australia TV network, Crikey, and many more.

She is the creator of The Index, “a daily source for all things web3, delivered in just 2 minutes per day2 minutes”

Edward Carpenter

Edward H. Carpenter is a veteran of the US military, who spent the majority of his life as a warfighter but ultimately chose to finish his career in a role that was dedicated to maintaining peace. His list of accomplishments includes numerous awards for his work in both fiction and non-fiction writing, as well as a membership in the Washington Post alumni talent pool. He is also an avid reader of the Harvard Review.

Edward is also one of the earliest advocates for the publication of books on the blockchain, and reviews every new web3 publishing platform that is released. He is the premier source for the latest industry news that he shares on The Metalibrarian Minute, a monthly issue to stay in the loop with the newest developments in web3 publishing (collect it for free on Readl).

Collect for FREE the latest three issues here

He’s also constantly experimenting with new technologies and storytelling formats, like the Arts & Poetry: a web3 journal of arts and poetry that represents an early effort to leverage the power of blockchain to empower both the readers and writers.

Ana María Caballero

For those looking to learn more about poetry NFTs, Ana María Caballero is a great resource to follow.

First-generation Colombian-American poet and artist, Ana María Caballero is the author of several poetry collections, including “Mid-life” and the recently published Tryst, a collection of three arresting and poetic short stories, released as a digitally native art piece.

Major media outlets, such as ARTnews, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Elle UK have covered her poetry work on the blockchain. She co-founded the literary NFT gallery, a platform that assists acclaimed poets and writers in leveraging web3 to monetize their work.

Ana’s work is a testament to the power of blockchain technology in preserving the intrinsic value of poetry as art.

J. Thorn

If you’re looking for someone who can tell a great story, J. Thorn is the person to follow. He’s an author, musician, and podcaster that has published two million words and has sold more than 185,000 books worldwide.

Recently, J. has become “the music NFT” guy in the web3 artist community, hosting The Music NFT Show podcast with his teenage daughter, while actively writing, recording, producing, and minting original music NFTs available on OpenSea as G3ARZ. Also, J. Thorn published the first NFT book on Readl: a sci-fi short story called, “m1ss10n” that has since sold out. He is a member of the OG Collective, a dedicated team of collectors, artists, investors, and curators with a focus on supporting artists in web3. View J. Thorn’s NFT collection at jnfts.eth.

Play the recording:

Follow J. Thorn If you’re interested in learning more about a multidisciplinary approach to literary NFTs.

Joanna Penn

Joanna Penn is a best-selling author and entrepreneur, and the founder of The Creative Penn, which provides writing courses for aspiring authors. Her background in business and publishing has made her well-versed in the industry and her expertise is invaluable to those looking to start their own writing careers.

Having been passionate about writing and publishing for many years, Joanna has recently begun to explore the potential of blockchain technology within publishing. She has been researching and writing about blockchain publishing since last year, and her articles can be found here. Through her work, Joanna hopes to demonstrate the power of blockchain technology and how it can provide new opportunities for writers and authors to reach their audiences.

She believes that blockchain-enabled publishing can help writers to increase their reach and create more secure, reliable, and efficient publishing systems.

For those looking to learn more about blockchain publishing and the writing business in general, Joanna’s articles and podcast are an excellent starting point.

It’s undeniable that web3 is here to stay. It is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact online in the years to come. As more people learn about it and its possibilities, there is an incredible opportunity to be part of its development. The writers who are already involved in the industry are some of the best resources available to those who want to get started. They can offer invaluable insight into the technology, as well as share their experience and advice on how to get involved in the industry.

Don’t hesitate to connect with them and to join our Web3 writers’ community on Discord!

About Readl

Readl is the first web3 platform designed to help storytellers, publishers, production houses, and NFT projects to publish, manage and distribute multimedia literary content on the blockchain, without requiring specific technical knowledge.

Our platform allows storytellers to create a decentralized library of literary NFTs, keeping perpetual royalties, and where audiences can discover, collect and read content they love from any device and with web2 user-friendly onboarding.

Learn more about Readl.

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Readl - Storytelling Tools for Web3
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Readl is the platform dedicated to storytelling in web3 that empowers authors, artists, and publishers to create engaging immersive stories with NFT art.