7 Uses for Virtual Reality That You Haven’t Explored Yet



As technology is emerging, new gadgets are being developed on a daily basis to make the lives of people more comfortable and more convenient. One of the most astounding inventions is the introduction of virtual reality. The technology of virtual reality is perhaps the perfect gadget to create an artificial environment where people can truly live their dreams by using their imagination.

The Benefits of VR Technology

The emergence of virtual reality has completely revolutionized the way people shop online. With this particular technology, you can try out the clothes that you want to buy without actually going to the store. In addition to this, virtual technology is used to train workers for tasks that are considered to be dangerous and life-threatening, for example; firefighters, pilots, etc.

Employees get to learn a lot without the risk of danger, and this eliminates the chance of making a mistake when it comes to real life experiences. The best example would be of a doctor performing open heart surgery on a patient. Doctors can easily practice the operation and give their best performance when the actual surgery takes place.

Moreover, you can use virtual reality for communication as well. Many businesses have implemented this technology for conducting conferences so that they can easily communicate with the employees and make them understand the assigned tasks.

The advent of the internet has made it possible for you to communicate with your friends and coworkers with virtual reality; you will feel like the other person is in the same room as you, and it will be a fantastic experience for you as well as your employees.

Opportunities with VR in 2019

Virtual reality is being adopted by millions of people all over the globe because of the benefits that it delivers to users. Companies are implementing this technology to provide a unique user experience to their customers so that they can be served in the best way possible. Virtual reality has opened doors to various opportunities which are yet to be explored.

Here are 7 uses of virtual reality that you might not have seen before:

Most people are of the view that virtual reality is mainly used for entertainment purposes like gaming and watching movies, but this is not the case at all. The developers of virtual reality recently conducted research where they found out that virtual reality can be used for clinical procedures to treat patients.

Experts in this technology are currently developing a solution to help patients who are a victim of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). This is a solution where the patients will be given access visually to a particular situation that relates to an issue they are dealing with or traumatized by so that they can cope with the memories that haunt them.

The training of a dentist is challenging and intense, and it takes a lot of practice and time for a person to become a dentist. With the emergence of the latest technological equipment, dentists are now being introduced to the virtual reality which makes the process of training much more comfortable than before.

Virtual reality allows dental students to conduct practice sessions in a controlled environment which enables them to become efficient at their work. In addition to this, virtual reality provides dental students with an opportunity to observe and test their dental procedures so that they can eliminate the risk of going wrong when they perform actual surgery.

Virtual reality has made it possible for the automobile industry to test cars before they launch it for the general public. Manufacturing companies can test the cars that they produce in different environments and make improvements where necessary. Virtual reality can significantly reduce the number of accidents and save the lives of thousands of drivers.

Virtual reality is going to change the way people shop online. In the past, people could only see the clothes online, and they had to buy the products without trying them on. However, as technology has advanced to another level, now customers can try the garments on themselves and buy the ones that fit them perfectly. Singapore is already implementing this technology and the companies operating there are on the verge of making the whole shopping experience digital for the customers.

Read: How AR and VR Technologies Revolutionizing the E-Commerce Industry?

Virtual reality provides architects with the opportunity to see the designs of the buildings before constructing them. This enables them to make sensible predictions regarding the outlook of the building so that they can showcase the shops and apartments that will be constructed.

This is the perfect way to promote investment in such properties. In addition to this, architects can also see the internal designs of the building and make the changes that are necessary to be made. With virtual reality, builders can show the complete structure to their clients before it is constructed.

People are often confused as to what hairstyle they should get when they visit a salon, especially ladies. This is where virtual reality comes in to save your day. With this technology, you can see different hairstyles and choose the one that suits you the best.

The military sector of the country uses this technology as well because soldiers have to undertake extensive training classes for combat and it is mandatory for them to pass such tests. With virtual reality, the military can easily simulate fighting strategies and teach the soldiers about how to deal with difficult situations when they are on the battlefield.


Virtual reality has a lot of potentials that are yet to be explored. People have not started implementing this technology in their daily routine tasks because they are still at a learning stage and the benefits of using virtual reality are not widely known. Developers are spreading the awareness of this technology through social media and websites, but it will take some time before people get used to the art of virtual reality.

Originally published at https://readwrite.com, by Farhan Suleman, on May 7, 2019.




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