Believe in Ghosts

Archana Sarat
Read Write Inspire
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

You must believe in ghosts. They are real. They are present.

I can see some of you nodding your heads. You tell yourself that your uncle/aunt/grandfather/neighbour/boss has seen one too.

Isn’t it strange how we are ready to believe in ghosts but not in ourselves?

The biggest challenge facing us today is lack of confidence. You need to believe that you can achieve the things you dream of.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — T. Roosevelt

All of us dream for good things, big things, but how many of you believe that those good things can happen to you? Later, in this book, you will receive suggestions that can change the beliefs you have on yourself and on the world.

For now,

1) Believe that only good can happen to you.

2) Believe that YOU HAVE THE POWER can make it happen.

3) Do not allow negative words or thoughts near you. That means, neither should you speak words that can harm others nor listen to such words spoken to you. For instance, you should never tell yourself that you cannot do something. At the same time, if someone tells you cannot do something or that it is hard/impossible, walk away from that person. Tune that person out.

4) Do not be tied down by negative emotions. This includes and is not limited to anger, jealousy, hatred, bias, dishonesty, suspicion, etc.

5) Believe in abundance. There is no scarcity. There is always place in the bookstore for one more book and that book can be yours. The world could use another millionaire and that person could be you. You are not stealing anyone’s opportunity by becoming a doctor/engineer/author/artist. The money you earn is not someone’s loss, unless and until you are stealing it.

“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” — Roald Dahl

To know more about achieving your resolutions this 2018, download the free ebook on my website



Archana Sarat
Read Write Inspire

Author & Screenwriter. My newsletter shares guidance to enhance writing and storytelling skills and build author presence. Host - Classics Book Club for 3+ yrs