Highlights from WIoTW Labs Demo Day Winter 2016

Kyle Ellicott
ReadWrite Labs
Published in
8 min readJun 10, 2016
It was a full house at the event, hosted at Runway Incubator.

The newest batch of IoT startups

Wearable IoT World Labs was the first accelerator built around the emerging IoT space. Over the past three years, the phrase “IoT” has become a lot more widely recognized. With this Demo Day Wearable IoT World now has 106 portfolio companies that have collectively raised over 100 million dollars in funding.

One thing that stood out for this batch of IoT startups was their maturity. The majority have already raised initial funds. Many are building products for a connected devices ecosystem that now has a solid foundation. In fact, these emerging IoT technologies are well positioned to take advantage of the products and platforms coming together to create a rising tide of a connected world.

We salute the entrepreneurs that survived the 2016 Winter program and those who joined from our Hong Kong IoT Superhighway accelerator.


Andy Karusa, CEO of FenSens, had done his research. 2.5 million rear-ending accidents creating four billion dollars in commercial damages — 57% of which could have been prevented by having a rear-view sensor. Today 80% of cars are not equipped with a rear sensor. Yet, demand for a rear-view sensor is increasing by 20% each year.

Andy Karuza, Founder/CEO of FenSens

That’s why his team built FenSens, a wireless, pain-free parking sensor and mobile app to help drivers avoid accidents by detecting and alerting objects in your blind spot. It’s a good example of the right product at the right time. As newer models are powering consumer demand for rear-view sensors, FenSens fills the gap. With retail interest in 100 countries, they are launching their crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo on July 7th.

See the FenSens website here: https://fensens.com/

Algorithmic Intuition Inc.

When Kevin Shaw, CTO, took the stage to talk about Algorithmic Intuition, he spoke with authority about the gaps in the IoT ecosystem and how his company was well positioned to take advantage of them. “We specialize in providing algorithms that bring software together,” Shaw said at Demo Day. “We allow manufacturers to build what they need to build for niche markets, backed by machine learning.”

Kevin Shaw, Founder/CTO of Algorithmic Intuition

Algorithmic Intuition Inc. develops and sells advanced sensor software for wearable and IoT products. Their algorithmic software utilizes Machine Learning to provide deep analytics and predictive models in a personalized context, health, and wellness. Their first product is a digital wellness solution for real-time monitoring of elderly. Real-time bio-sensing allows remote caregivers (the subscribers) to monitor their loved ones using smartphones and data stored in a secure cloud environment.

See the Algorithmic Intuition website here: http://algorithmicintuition.com/


BELLE is a wearable ring with a personal security alarm and fitness tracker. The wearer can push a button on the ring to alert authorities with their GPS location and send a message to emergency contacts. Speakers on the ring will say, “The authorities have been notified!”. By pressing for another two seconds, the alarm will be canceled.

Cayley Wetzig, Founder/CEO of BELLE

There have been other recent wearable technology products that had security features, but as founder Cayley Wetzig said, “BELLE is the only ring that offers design and a good price point into an active and diverse lifestyle.” The mission of BELLE is to help women to feel more secure, and they’ve got a solid go-to-market strategy in networking with female celebrities as their early adopters.

See the BELLE website here: http://www.bellesmart.com/


No node throws off more data and gives less information than a newborn. Perch is smart software that allows parents to connect with their newborns to better understand their behaviors, rhythms, needs and wants, and to respond more quickly and lovingly. They get this data using medical-grade wearables that fit comfortably on any diaper, and they even offer optional smart disposable diaper inserts to track moisture. Perch comes with a docking port that charges and provides wifi to the wearable, and alerts parents if the baby needs attention.

Hamid Salehi, Founder/CEO of Perch

In addition to the benefits of a smarter diaper changing schedule, caretakers can receive alerts via a mobile app for potential fever, and issues that may arrive during a newborn’s sleep. Perch monitors moisture, breathing, body position, and body temperature.

Perch is a complete product that solves a clear problem for every parent. Watch for third official launch in a few months and shipments in 2017.

See the Perch website here: https://www.perchbaby.com/


Alola is a personalized, dietitian-designed grocery list for you and your household.

Mohammed Shaaban, Founder/CEO of Alola

Alola was founded on the idea that a smarter diet can change lives because if you shop well, you eat well. They’ve built an adaptive machine learning platform that allows customers to live the lifestyles they want while remaining confident that their diets are healthy. Their recommendations adapt to the customer by learning from the data captured by wearables worn by users and supported by the Alola platform. They also provide a food delivery service and are connecting their customers to real dietitians during the beta phase.

There are plenty of companies that deliver food, but no one is making better use of smart algorithms to provide personalized recommendations.

See the Alola website here: http://www.alola.co/

Metron Force

Metron Force is the only smart wristband for device radio control that uses wrist gestures that can scale from ‘one-to-many control’ with just a tap. I watched a few visitors to their booth wear the Metron Force wristband and marvel at how intuitive and easy-to-use the band was. “It’s like it’s reading my mind,” someone said. Their price point is attractive too, given that they will be including a drone with the wristband.

Alex Lai, Founder/CEO of Metron Force

The Metron Force wristband seems like a great way to introduce new people to connected devices by allowing them to be operated gestures rather than with apps or devices. Apparently they’ve been generating interest from B2B companies, too, who want to use Metron Force’s patented algorithms to allow employees to control their own devices.

See the Metron Force website at: http://metronforce.com/

Kiddo — Hong Kong Class

Kiddo is the first wearable device focused on kids’ health and wellness. It tracks key bio-metrics using cutting edge, advanced sensor technology to provide “always on” health and wellness feedback.

Jaganath Swamy, Founder/CEO of Kiddo

Kiddos addresses a key pain point for parents, grandparents, nannies and teachers (essentially anybody who spends time with a child) through actionable insights and analytics.

See the Kiddo website here: http://goodparents.io/

nexpaq — Hong Kong Class

nexpaq is a modular IoT platform that provides internet support for hardware apps.

Jason Ko, CEO of nexpaq

Their initial product is the first modular smartphone case that allows users to seamlessly customize, enhance, and add new functions to your existing smartphone through the use of small squares, called modules. Without even having to turn off the phone, modules can be added simply sliding into the back of the case to give your smartphone extra powers like more battery, a stronger speaker, new sensing capabilities and exotic functions you never thought possible (temperature readings, pollution measurement, night vision cameras, blood-glucose meters, and more).

“We have a live platform and an ecosystem of third-party developers,” said Jason Ko of nexpaq. The positive response from the developer community is a good indicator of success for the company’s future.

See the nexpaq website here: http://nexpaq.com/

IoTracks — Hong Kong Class

The mission of IoTracks is to give developers the best possible way to build for IoT. They’ve built a product with “Universal Runtime” which allows developers to focus on writing code that works with the data and not code that has to get the data. By writing in any code and framework, developers using IoTracks’s universal edge processing layer can run code where IoT sensors are.

Kilton Hopkins, Founder/CTO of IoTracks

They’ve already partnered with the Eclipse Foundation and have a fast-growing community of enthusiastic IoT developers. “We’ve just begun to teach developers how to build for IoT,” said founder Kilton Hopkins. With the amount of trust that developers and partners have already placed in their platform, IoTracks is well positioned to become an essential part of developer’s IoT stack.

See the IoTracks website here: http://iotracks.com/


Crowder uses smart sensors & WiFi tracking to provide bars and restaurants with critical performance data and, at the same time, provide consumers with real-time insight. They bring on-site smart sensors to bars and restaurants with an accurate, real-time footfall count and trend-based reporting, real-time venue occupancy figures, conversion rates of passersby-to-walk-in conversation rates and dwell time. Establishments get customer insight data that provide insights such as correlations between demographics and ordering preferences.

Max Roebuck, Founder/CEO of Crowder

With a consumer-facing app that offers location-based deals, bars and restaurants can create notifications that bring new customers to the door. Crowder has already had traction with quality London-based establishments and is looking to expand.

See the Crowder website here: http://www.crowder-app.com/


SoundSight is an integrated video recording smart headphone that connects to your smartphone, allowing you to film, edit, add music and share 3D Video and Sound captured by your headset.

Stephen Chase, Founder/CEO of SoundSight

“Billions of dollars have been spent on developing the VR ecosystem already,” founder Stephen Chase said in his pitch. “But there is a gap in user adoption that can be filled by user-generated content.” These stylish headphones sound amazing and look great — except they do so much more. SoundSight headphones also have the ability to capture 360-degree video and audio. Developers can sign up to use the SoundSight SDK now.

See the SoundSight website here: http://soundsightheadphones.com/


PROXXI is an industrial wearable that safeguards people working in high voltage environments, reducing their risk of injury or death by alerting the wearer of dangerous high-voltage electrical fields. PROXXI is the only safety solution in the market designed from the ground up for everyday wear.

Campbell Macdonald, Founder/CEO of PROXXI

PROXXI alerts the wearer via vibration around the wrist when approaching energized equipment. The band can have its sensitivity calibrated either automatically (the PROXXI smartphone app reads the surrounding electrical fields and can set the level of median sensitivity) or manually. The PROXXI app also provides the critical function of notifying a designated person if a fall is detected (such as receiving a shock and collapsing).

This is a wearable that will save lives. Their founding team has deep experience in the utilities, industrial manufacturing, and construction industries.

See the PROXXI website here: http://www.proxxiband.com/

ElectrIQ Power

The market for home energy management and storage is growing exponentially. ElectrIQ Power is innovating intelligent, integrated energy storage that connects to solar, the grid, or both. Their solution includes high-efficiency batteries, and intelligent energy meter that monitors appliances, and a best-in-class hybrid inverter.

Chad Manning, Founder/CEO of ElectrIQ Power

The smart software packaged with ElectrIQ Power is a win-win for all — allowing customers to monitor their energy usage, installers to save money in distribution, and utilities to help stabilize the grid.

See the ElectrIQ Power website here: https://electriqpower.com/


GO PUCK is known as the pioneer of Wearable Power. Mountable, compact, and durable, GO PUCK ensures power when you need it, so you stay connected to capture priceless moments and enjoy mobile freedom. They are one of the only portable batteries to use advanced lithium battery technology.

Diego Velasquez, Head of Marketing for GO PUCK

At Demo Day, they revealed new designs for a Wearable Drive, an integrated power storage device and hard drive platform that promises to raise the bar for what’s possible in wearable devices. They’ve had great traction already with social media influencers and industry partners like GoPro, and they’re on their way to owning a niche that is vital to wearable device adoption.

See the GO PUCK website here: https://gopuck.com/

Applications Are Open for San Francisco and ShenZhen Labs

If you’re a startup in the U.S., Hong Kong or China and are looking to deliver the next big thing in IoT and wearable technology, Wearable IoT World wants to help you bring your idea to life.

Learn more by visiting www.wearableworldlabs.com.



Kyle Ellicott
ReadWrite Labs

Writing about #Blockchain, #DApps, #Digitization, and all things #Distributed. Host of Blockchain Today