Hungry? Order Takeout by Bot!

Kyle Ellicott
ReadWrite Labs
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016

Today ReadWrite Labs Alumni, Nimblechat launched the first ever food delivery bot. The new bot integrates directly with Facebook’s Messenger application. We couldn’t resist sitting down with Co-Founder/CEO Gabriel Ortiz to get all the details and his insights on the world of bots.

What is NimbleChat ?

Nimblechat is an online purchasing concierge. Over the past year we’ve been working on different bots. After understanding what users are looking for, we knew exactly where t0 begin — food delivery. Now users no longer need to stress about which app they have or don’t have OR where they’re going to order food from, because we’ve got your takeout covered.

What is the future of bots?

We see bots in the very near future beginning to remove the friction from our everyday tasks, and almost completely in the long term. For our food delivery bot, it’s future will be your always on assistant that gets to know and understand your food tastes.

Our pizza pie!

How do we order our first pizza?

It’s a super simple process that anyone can do.

  1. Click this link!
  2. Give it your phone number and address then setup your account.
  3. Place your order.
  4. Eat and enjoy!

Everything else is automatic from there. Once everything is authenticated you’re pretty much golden. The more you use it, the easier it gets.

Check out and get the new food delivery bot today on Product Hunt —

Comment below to let the Nimblestack team & us know what your first order was!

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Kyle Ellicott
ReadWrite Labs

Writing about #Blockchain, #DApps, #Digitization, and all things #Distributed. Host of Blockchain Today