Augmented Learning TEDSummit 2016

Eric Hawkinson
Eric Hawkinson — Learning Futurist
1 min readOct 19, 2016
Group Photo after the epic win

Immerse yourself in an augmented reality enhanced learning environment by working in a group to solve a series of puzzles and adventures using virtual and augmented reality technologies as learning technologist, Eric Hawkinson from TEDxKyoto Interactive guides you through the possibilities of mixed reality technologies for learning, engagement and more.

Have you ever participated in an escape room or took part in a scavenger hunt? Well just imagine if parts of the journey of either of these activities was in a video game, or in a virtual world? Eric Hawkinson, learning technologist, has been developing ways to mix real world and digitally enhanced environments. In this workshop you will actually play a game, and by playing that game you will learn about the technology and its possibilities.


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Eric Hawkinson
Eric Hawkinson — Learning Futurist

Eric is a learning futurist, tinkering with and designing technologies that may better inform the future of teaching and learning.