5 Big Ideas in AI are now available in Portuguese and German but not in High Valyrian

(Sorry, Game of Thrones fans)

4 min readMar 29, 2021


By Roozbeh Aliabadi

I am thrilled to announce that 5 Big Ideas Picture Books are now available in Portuguese and German. Bringing 5 Big IDEAS to around 130 million native German speakers and 250 million Portuguese speakers. This work would not be possible without our friends’ support and hard work in Portugal and Luxembourg (our official collaboration is available on PR Web Press Release), as well as our amazing ReadyAI team.

If I’ve done my math right. Now we are bringing 5 Big IDEAS to 380 million more people around the world. As promised to AI4K12 community, my wife, and my mother, the Kindle Unlimited version will ALWAYS remain free for ALL in German and Portuguese.

“AI is possibly the most powerful technology that humans have ever developed. It will help us overcome some of the most complex problems we face today, such as climate change and fake news. AI will also support developments and important advances in science. However, while it can help us overcome many challenges, it also poses dangers and concerns. In this sense, the importance of developing AI for all and the good of all must begin with education, children and young people. We, therefore, need to lay the foundation for understanding what AI is and how it should be used to be more humane and supportive. It is with this goal in mind that we have found it necessary that all children and young people with Portuguese as their mother tongue have the opportunity to explore ReadyAI’s educational and interesting books that focus on the exploration of the Big Ideas in AI,” says Paulo Barreira, CEO of InteractIdeas.

Here are some fun facts about Portuguese:

  • From Angola to China: Over 10 countries speak Portuguese.
  • From Brazil to East Timor…
  • From Cape Verde to China… (Ok, This might be an overstatement. Technically, Portuguese is spoken in Macau.)
  • From Angola to Equatorial Guinea… and back!

Find all our Portuguese Books here:

  1. Perceção: Com a IA vê o mundo (AI+Me: Portuguese Edition)

2. Representação e Raciocínio: Como é que a IA faz escolhas (AI+Me: Portuguese Edition)

3. Aprendizagem Automática: Como aprende a Inteligência Artificial (AI+Me: Portuguese Edition)

4. Interação Humano-IA: Como interagimos com a IA (AI+Me: Portuguese Edition)

5. Impacto social: Como pode a IA mudar o mundo (AI+Me: Portuguese Edition)

Learning how to speak German is no easy task — every noun has a gender and just when you thought you were getting a grip on it, a new kind of an exception to the rule bursts your language bubble. Here are some fun facts about German:

  • English and German are sister languages.
  • German has some hilarious proverbs. Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof (I only understand train station) whose English counterpart would be “It’s all Greek to me” or my favorite Das ist nicht dein Bier! (that is not your beer!) which means “none of your business!”
  • German is the “language of the writers and thinkers”. Dichter und Denker! Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Kant, Humboldt, Nietzche, and the list goes on and on…

Find all our German books here:

  1. Wahrnehmung: Wie KI die Welt sieht (AI+Me: German Edition)

2. Repräsentation & Schlussfolgerung: Wie KI Entscheidungen trifft (AI+Me: German Edition)

3. Lernen: So lernt KI (AI+Me: German Edition)

4. Natürliche Interaktion: Wie wir mit der KI arbeiten (AI+Me: German Edition)

5. Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen: Wie KI die Welt verändern kann (AI+Me: German Edition

What’s next? Get ready… more surprises are on the way!

Some have asked me if we will make 5 Big Ideas available in High Valyrian… If you are a “Game of Thrones” fan you know what I’m talking about. Although that’s an interesting idea, I’ll pass. Duolingo offers lessons in High Valyrian (the fictional tongue of the ruined city Valyira on the HBO TV show — Game of Thrones). High Valyrian has over 800,000 active learners on Duolingo. I’ll just try to convince those 800k learners to learn the 5 Big Ideas in their native language, and watch less TV…

ReadyAI books — Learn about the 5 Big Ideas in AI

Let me leave you with one of my favorite Persian proverbs. “A new language is a new life.” I hope we can keep adding lives to our 5 Big Ideas. We can do this together.

Learn more about ReadyAI: http://readyai.org/

Shop all ReadyAI books: https://bit.ly/readyaibooks




ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.