A Fresh Squeeze on Data

Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2022

A Perspective from Portugal

By: Marco Neves

  • This blog post is also available in Portuguese.
A Fresh Squeeze on Data (available on www.freshsqueezekids.com)

The world we live in today is characterized by being hyper-connected, this means that all the technology we use belongs to a common ecosystem, from our TV to our car, our watch, to little sensors that monitor everything we can imagine.

Marco Neves discussing “A Fresh Squeeze on Data” with students in Portugal

This ecosystem produces massive amounts of data, data that is crucial in countless areas, from industry to commerce, to education, to politics, and even to our privacy and who we are and what we will be.

It is therefore important that our children and young people have a clear, objective, and critical understanding of what data is, how it is produced, used, and manipulated, and that they develop a critical and demanding perspective of the impact and opportunities, it will have on their lives.

For this to happen, exploring the book and the activities in the book “O sumo fresco dos dados”, which is a partnership between Cloudera and ReadyAI, is a unique opportunity we can give our children to develop, in a fun, enlightening, and concrete way, an understanding of what data are, how we can obtain and use them to achieve certain goals.

If you are a teacher and want your students to have this opportunity, explore this book and these activities with your students. Who knows, maybe they will be the next data scientists who will develop solutions for the good of all of us and our planet.

Explore this opportunity here https://freshsqueezekids.com/

“A Fresh Squeeze on Data” is available in European Portuguese (www.freshsqueezekids.com)

O Sumo Fresco Dos Dados

A Fresh Squeeze on Data (available on www.freshsqueezekids.com)

O mundo em que hoje vivemos caracteriza-se por estar hiperligado e hiper conectado, isto significa que toda a tecnologia que utilizamos pertence a um ecossistema comum, desde a nossa televisão, ao nosso carro, ao nosso relógio, aos pequenos sensores que monitorizam tudo o que nos rodeia e possamos imaginar.

Este ecossistema produz enormes quantidades de dados, dados que são cruciais em inúmeras áreas, desde a indústria ao comércio, à educação, à política, e até à nossa privacidade e quem somos e o queremos ser.

Explore esta oportunidade aqui https://freshsqueezekids.com/

Por conseguinte, é importante que as nossas crianças e jovens tenham uma compreensão clara, objectiva e crítica do que são os dados, como são produzidos, utilizados e manipulados e que desenvolvam uma perspectiva crítica e exigente do impacto e das oportunidades que estes terão nas suas vidas.

Para que isto aconteça, explorar o livro e as actividades do livro “O sumo fresco dos dados”, que é uma parceria entre Cloudera e ReadyAI, é uma oportunidade única que podemos dar às nossas crianças para desenvolverem, de forma divertida, esclarecedora e concreta, uma compreensão do que são os dados, como os podemos obter e utilizar para atingir determinados objectivos e que estes sejam para o bem comum.

Se é professor e deseja que os seus alunos tenham esta oportunidade, explore este livro e estas actividades com os seus alunos. Quem sabe, talvez eles sejam os próximos cientistas de dados que desenvolverão soluções para o bem de todos nós e do nosso planeta.

Explore esta oportunidade aqui https://freshsqueezekids.com/
Estão disponíveis várias línguas, incluindo o português.

Marco Neves is currently a Computer Science Teacher at Agrupamento de Escolas da Batalha. Is an Educational Tech Advisor on (new) technologies applied in learning environments such as AI, Robotics, VR/AR, and IoT, and how they facilitate the development of a skills framework in the context of Digital Transformation. He gives keynotes on education technology and mainly about the impacts of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence on Education, Society, and the Economy, in Portugal and abroad. As an Educational Project Coordinator, he supports Educational Institutions and teachers in implementing innovative educational projects. Marco is a teacher trainer in TechEd since 2002. Responsible for developing, coordinating, and supporting CPD and educational partnerships with European countries related to technological innovation projects. At the moment he is involved in the DSI-4 Projet as Europeana Ambassador for Portugal. Concerning AI and Education, he is working with the Portuguese Ministry of Education coordinating, as the expert consultant, the MOOC AI, and Education. Marco holds a master's degree in Informatics and Educational, his Master's thesis was developed based on the impact of the European eTwinning project in Portuguese schools. He is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and a Member of the Google Earth Outreach Trainer Network.




ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.