An Open Letter to Parents from a Father of two.
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2019

Why Should Pittsburgh Kids Learn AI, and How?

I’m a parent of two myself, both born and raised in Pittsburgh.

Unlike their parents’ generation, children born after 2000 have never experienced a world without the internet nor artificial intelligence. Some kids may even interact more with Alexa than most of the family members!

What should kids know about artificial intelligence? Are we, as parents, equipped to teach our kids appropriate AI concepts? Where should they learn AI in Pittsburgh?

Fortunately, we live in Pittsburgh, arguably near the birthplace of AI — Carnegie Mellon University. It is definitively where the best AI academic program lives.

WAICY (Pittsburgh PA)

With the help of CMU’s School of Computer Science and CMU Professor David Touretzky (also Chairperson of the National AI4K12 initiative), ReadyAI (a small Pittsburgh AI education startup) has developed an AI curriculum, software/hardware kits, AI workshops, AI showcase and youth AI competition over the past 2 years.

This summer, ReadyAI offers a five day AI Workshop for K-12 students in its new East Liberty offices July 23–27. The curriculum, software, hardware, and robots are provided. At the end of the 5-day workshop, students know the ‘5 Big Ideas of AI’, how to program robots to perform AI tasks, and create a program showing how AI and humanity are connected.

Thousands of K-12 students have been guided to know the basics of AI worldwide by ReadyAI online course and offline workshop. We hope kids in Pittsburgh can enjoy a hands-on AI experience this Summer.

AC (A Proud Pittsburgh Parent)

Some seats are still available for registration:



ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.