Nurturing Tomorrow’s Innovators Through AI at KAUST
Published in
8 min readSep 8, 2023
Standing By a River Flowing Through KAUST

By: David Huang


In the second week of August 2023, our team at Ready AI partnered with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, conducting a summer program for a remarkable group of students on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This was a venture bridging the gap between curiosity and knowledge amongst students, fanning the flames of their passion for AI technology. My partner, Haotian Fang, and I collaborated to offer the most enriching and immersive learning experience.

Training Rock-Papers-Scissors Game

For five days, students from grades 6 to 10 delved into the captivating realm of AI. They conducted diverse experiments with this technology, unlocking more ideas for their future and inspiring them to become new architects of change. Their work not only showcased their determined interest in working with AI but it also demonstrated much of their technical prowess.

Most students attending our program entered with a sufficient skill set that enabled us to advance into more complicated topics and hold phenomenal discussions. From exploring the ethics of facial recognition to delving into chatbot algorithm methodologies, students demonstrated their readiness to tackle any AI challenges that come their way.

Our Mission

At the essence of the program, I wanted to make sure that students left our classroom with one feeling in mind — confidence. I understand getting involved in a vast field of technology such as AI can be daunting. It is so vast that even if you find interest in a particular subject, you may have no idea where to begin. I believe that confidence is forged when young minds are provided with the right tools and opportunities to develop their interest. Without a push from any of these, it is easy to get stuck on how to pursue the subject. Our AI summer program, meticulously designed to captivate and educate, emerged as a conduit for these future innovators. In a world where AI is fast in becoming an integral part of industries, empowering students to study foundational AI knowledge becomes imperative. I trust that students departed with both a newfound confidence in the concepts we imparted and a heightened enthusiasm for delving deeper into their interests in AI.

The program, through its engaging curriculum and hands-on activities, offered students a unique chance to understand the intricate landscape of AI. By providing them with practical insights into AI concepts and applications, we aimed to foster their confidence in dealing with the complexities of the digital age. Most importantly, we wanted it done in a fun way!

The Structure

Our five days were organized into a daily schedule to provide students with most of the time we had together. The structure was meticulously crafted to suit our target age group, spanning grades 6 to 10 in Saudi Arabia. The material of the classes strayed along the bounds of exploring the Big Ideas of AI, though our structure often changed depending on student interests, mastery, and available time. Whilst we believe our students learned a good bit from our discussions and lectures, the bulk of their understanding came from Project Based Learning — a method in which students learned from their hands-on experience with concepts.

A Student Showcasing Their Detection System

On the first day, Haotian and I hoped to get acquainted with the students. Our immediate reaction to seeing the students was how clever they were. Many of these were not students simply taking a class to please their parents; they were taking it to find out more about a topic they were invested in. It didn’t take long for us to warm up to each other. Not much later, we were moving on to exploring the concepts of AI Perception and decision-making. Students exercised their technical expertise in designing emotion detection systems and pathfinding game AI. Many students even competed with each other on whose AI procedure worked the best. Overall, the first day left a great impression.

Emoticons Students Drew For Training Data

Furthering our journey, we continued exploring the Big Ideas of AI. Today, students worked with AI’s machine learning function, developing an image recognition system training off of a data set of images. Many students found it fascinating to build their own data sets too using various applications to test its reliability in an AI application. Moreover, the program underscored the significance of critical thinking. Students learned that AI isn’t just about algorithms; it’s about understanding the ethical implications, biases, and potential consequences of AI systems and its ability to interact with us as well. By engaging in discussions about AI ethics, students developed a holistic perspective, preparing them to be responsible AI users and future innovators who prioritize the well-being of our civilization.

There were a few students still uncomfortable with what they were doing. We found that they were interested in the concepts, but it was a problem with their general confidence compared to the rest of the class. Occasionally, we’d adjust the pace of the to be slowed down, ensuring that everyone could keep up with the topics. We realized that the structure of the classroom had to change in order to accommodate a wider range of skill sets so no one felt like they were left behind. Regardless of this setback, the extra assistance we provided to our fellow students kept everyone on track and interested! Again, it is important to make sure kids, especially those on the younger side, develop a feeling of confidence to pursue a subject they are interested in. We were mindful to ensure that no students would perceive themselves as inadequate to delve into the subject matter.

Finally, in order for our students to develop the confidence we wanted them to, it was critical that they use what they’ve learned to draft up a passionate idea. With support from our workshops, students went on to impress us with their project concepts. Some even plan on taking it to competition levels at an event known as the World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth (WAICY). The Ready AI team is excited to see all of this hard work out there on the stage!

Our Largest Team Dominating Their Presentation

Personal Reflection

As the final day of our AI summer program drew to a close, a palpable sense of accomplishment filled the air. The journey from novices to AI enthusiasts was evident in the confidence with which the students presented themselves during their projects, speaking of algorithms, ethics, innovation, and much more.

Students Discussing Solution to Emotican Project

Perhaps the most predominant memory I’ll have of my time in the classroom is the skill caliber of the KAUST students. This factor is what enabled us to have more exciting projects and deeper discussions. These students represent an amazing demographic of the locals that definitely shows how far the community as a whole is advancing. I found it impressive that such young students were able to maintain a certain degree of prestige and professionalism in studying a new topic. It was not only super easy to work with them but very enjoyable and encouraging as well.

In recent years, it seems that Saudi Arabia has been making amazing progress in conducting various projects to increase their realm of technologies. As the kingdom increasingly embraces new technologies as a driving force for its future, young minds are eagerly embracing the possibilities presented by AI. Through dedicated programs and initiatives aimed at nurturing STEM education like our own, the local kids are learning to harness AI’s power to solve many more real-world problems. With an educational landscape that emphasizes critical thinking and creativity, this generation isn’t just consuming technology and building it. With various competitions, workshops, and projects, it’s no wonder that the students we got were so well-versed in their craft.

My time outside the classroom and in the local Saudi community was also a blast. The opportunity to come so far out and visit a seemingly whole new way of life is not something I thought I’d ever get a chance to experience. Whilst the weather took some getting used to, the culture and people were very welcoming. I felt in awe of the beauty of the landscape and architecture, something I’d only seen in photos. This visit was a great experience, the ability to help foster a new generation and explore a new part of the world is something I’ll forever be appreciative of.

Standing By a River Flowing Through KAUST

Final Thoughts

In an ever-evolving world, where AI is at the forefront of change, nurturing the seeds of curiosity and empowering students with AI literacy is an investment in our collective future. As the educator for this program’s students, I hope to of taken a step towards sculpting a generation of developers and innovators who will utilize the capabilities of AI to build a better future — a future where technology can be maintained as a tool for good, driven by the creative brilliance of young minds that we’ve seen from this program.

Final Day Group Photo

This article was written by David Haung.

David Huang is an undergraduate studying Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at New York University. He has been involved in research and engineering projects surrounding AI and technology as a whole. With a foundation in multiple programming languages, David seeks to continuously explore how code powers innovation in our daily lives. Additionally, he is a teacher’s assistant at a local NYC grade school during the year and works with Ready AI in the summers.

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ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.