ReadyAI is Entering Portugal and Portugues Speaking Countries with InteractIdeas
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2 min readMar 6, 2020

Lisbon (Portugal). ReadyAI and InteractIdeas have established a partnership to bring Artificial Intelligence education to Portugal and Portuguese speaking countries around the world (Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Principe e Guinés Bissau).

InteractIdeas, a Portuguese based company in the field of Education and Technology established a partnership with Ready AI in order to deliver the contents created by Ready AI, concerning AI and Education, in Portuguese for Portugal and the PALOP (Countries that have Portuguese as their official language). InteractIdeas will seek to create partnerships with different players, such as schools, training centers, institutions of investigation that want to have access to Portuguese contents in order to introduce the thematic of AI, considering it as a key factor in the education paths of their students and also as crucial point in the training of teachers.

Roozbeh Aliabadi CEO of ReadyAI stated: “This partnership is exciting for our team. It gives us the possibility to deliver our content (lesson plans and education materials) in Portuguese, which means to over 260 million Portuguese speakers. Our promise at ReadyAI is to provide AI education for everyone and everywhere. And thanks for InteractIdeas, we are able to take a significant step towards more AI awareness globally.”

AI+Me in Portuguese

ReadyAI is the first comprehensive AI education provider in the K12 space. ReadyAI’s education materials are being widely utilized by teachers and students. AI+ME is also available in Portuguese.



ReadyAI is the first comprehensive K-12 AI education company to create a complete program to teach AI and empower students to use AI to change the world.