Accelerate Web3 Game Development Profits: ReadySet and Dev-To-Earn

Ready Games presents its new web3 game accelerator, “ReadySet,” designed to provide games with expert industry-specific marketing solutions and an investor network. Combined with Ready’s Dev-to-Earn program, this accelerator provides game-changing profit incentives for developers in web3.

The Ready Games
4 min readFeb 9, 2023


Ready Games is leading the market for game developers in web3, providing tons of developer perks and incentives, and ReadySet will be adding a whole new set of benefits to the existing package.

Ready provides games with a unique tech stack, platform SDK and plugins for Unity and Unreal that make its turnkey solution the only one on the market that migrates web2 games to web3 in under 30 days. Ready offers game studios competitive advantages, such as cost-free migration, a state-of-the-art developer dashboard (recently updated) with FuseBlock semi-fungible token minting capabilities, game tokenomics management, and much more. Ready Games’ unique revenue model, in which Ready’s single source of revenue comes from blockchain royalties on marketplace NFT sales, also poses an attractive benefit to developers. And that’s not to mention the Dev-to-Earn program, which allows developers to earn rewards for positive game activity and milestone key performance indicators.

Ready’s new accelerator gives games access to prototype creation and full-scope industry-specific marketing, designed to take games from zero to hero and beyond in under six months and ensure long-term success through tried and true marketing methods to gather industry support.

So, how does this work? And how can game developers get in on the action while the window of opportunity is still open? We’ll explore the steps in this article.

Step 1: Join the Ready Games Community

This step might go without saying, but in order to join ReadySet and Dev-to-Earn, and access all of the rewards and benefits associated with these programs, you must first sign up with a Ready Games developer account. It is advisable to reach out to the Ready Games Team to get personalized guidance for your game(s) and your goals.

Don’t have a web3-ready game yet? No worries! Ready’s tech is best-in-class for evolving web2 games to blockchain infrastructures, with tokenomics and game NFT capabilities. And with Ready, the process is much faster, simpler, and 100% pain-free — you even get rewards along the way! Ready can evolve any game to web3 and have it player-ready in less than 30 days.

Step 2: Build A Fanbase & Prototype Testing Community

Ready helps developers create fully usable prototype versions of their games to release to a select group of game testers from their fanbase. With playable prototype versions, developers are in good shape to pique community interest and rally a group of early users and game testers to get their games in top shape prior to public launch. ReadySet navigates ad networks, influencers, and online communities in order to build game fanbases and gather solid groups of early users to play and test alpha and beta versions.

ReadySet guides developers to release new game versions with built-in incentives for early users to create hype and establish a strong community following. Once feedback is in from the game testers, developers have the tools and insights to fine-tune their games with real-world feedback guiding every decision. Of course, ReadySet community growth experts lead every step of the process with strategy, implementation, and A-Z campaign management.

Step 3: Public Launch

It’s the big day. You’re launching your web3 game. It will be live on the App Store and Google Play. You’ve got to do this right. Your public launch should not just be another date in the calendar: it’s the day when the clock starts ticking, and all eyes are on performance. How many downloads? How many in-app purchases? These are numbers you don’t want to mess around with. When it comes to public launch events, ReadySet has your back!

ReadySet experts carefully design a strategy to guide all aspects of the launch, incentivizing player activities toward key performance indicators that will show results to potential investors, backers, and partners. ReadySet specializes in Search Engine Optimization and App Store Optimization to propel games to the top of the list and promote traction and visibility.

Step 4: Grow Your Network & Get Funded

Building a community and fanbase is one thing, and maintaining that growth and interest is something entirely different. ReadySet is dedicated to the long-term success of games, providing continued community management and growth support. ReadySet facilitates growth and engagement on Discord, Telegram, Twitch, and any other emerging community channels.

Web3 is its own world of digital space, and who you know, or rather, who knows your project, can make a world of difference. ReadySet opens the door to a network of web3 leaders and investors, including BITKRAFT, IOSG, Spartan, Fundamental Labs, Hashed, Mapleblock Capital, Mulana, dWeb3, the Israeli Blockchain Association, Tribe, SnackClub, GSR, Polygon, Starkware, Chromia, Comcast Ventures, and more.

Step 5 & Beyond: Dev-To-Earn

For a limited time, Ready Games is rewarding developers at every step of the journey to web3 game success. With Dev-to-Earn, game developers earn $AURA tokens for just about every action taken toward the desired end result. Fundable milestones include:

  • Opening a developer account
  • Integrating the Ready SDK
  • Releasing playable versions to your game tester community
  • Listing on an app store
  • Assisting other devs in Ready’s community

If this isn’t enough incentive, developers qualify for even more rewards when they reach KPIs, like verified player retention and in-game NFT purchases.

Have an idea for a valuable KPI? Reach out, and we’ll consider adding it to the rewards leaderboard!

GameChanger Developer Incentives

Ready’s developer incentive programs, ReadySet and Dev-to-Earn, are changing the web3 game development market by introducing a supportive developer community whose members enjoy a gamified experience towards new horizons and profitability. Interested in joining the Ready developer community? Start the quest for web3 game success 🚀



The Ready Games

Making social games & infrastructure for the Web3/Game Dev creator economy.