How Ready Games Is Universalizing Web3 Game Development

The Ready Games
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023
Universalizing Web3 Game Development

Over the past decade, game development has undergone a transformation. Development features and capabilities which were once reserved for the biggest, most established publishers, are now available to even single-team developers and indie studios. Ready Games continues this trend by enabling any developer to successfully launch games in web3, marking the next point on the historic timeline of the universalization of game development.

Game Development Has Become Universal

Just ten years ago it would have been unfathomable to think that an indie studio would have access to a backend equipped to support F2P games with in-app purchases revenue mechanisms. Gamesparks emerged in 2013, granting any game a backend capable of supporting tens of thousands of transactions per minute.

Indie devs in 2010 could not have dreamed of launching a multiplayer game. It was something reserved for the likes of Microsoft and game publishers with near-limitless budgets. But Photon arrived and introduced the technology to allow multiplayer functionality for any game.

In-game payments provided yet another obstacle for lower-budget games. Smaller-scale game studios would have never hoped to attract audiences from across the globe by supporting the payment requirements in diverse counties. In 2010, Paymentwall emerged, allowing games to cater to global audiences with payment options to meet the viability, legal, and taxation needs of a wide variety of countries.

Ready Games Brings Universality to Web3 Game Development

Blockchain gaming took off in 2021 with Axie Infinity and tons of play-to-earn games hoping to launch in Axie’s shadow. But smaller-scale projects soon realized that their speedy arrival at the Axie gold rush was not able to bear fruits. The exorbitant costs of launching a blockchain game were simply too high, the needs too great: a team of engineers to develop on blockchain, smart contract developers, tokenomics engineers, legal support, NFT artists, and exorbitant marketing costs. If that were not enough, compliance with App Store and Play Store listing requirements was out of the question, and it would be necessary to build an SDL on par with Steam.

The realm of web3 game development has until now been reserved for established game studios with plenty of economic resources to support the complex frameworks which blockchain-based games rely upon.

Ready Games has eliminated the need for these expenses, allowing game developers instant access to complete web3 functionality and integration with its unique turnkey solution. Ready’s SDK allows developers to evolve existing web2 games to web3 or launch new web3 games, with an MVP version ready to play in less than 30 days. The SDK includes a developer dashboard complete with smart contract creation and fuseblock NFT minting tools.

NFT-capable web3 games built with Ready Games’ SDK maintain compliance with App Store and Play Store listing requirements, an unprecedented feat that allows web3 creators to reach the 99.98% of players outside of web3. Likewise, Ready’s simple user flows cater to web2 and web3 players alike, opening the doors of web3 gaming to the entire player market.

To start using Ready Games’ tech stack is free of cost for developers, and the public SDK is now live. Sign up at



The Ready Games

Making social games & infrastructure for the Web3/Game Dev creator economy.