Ready’s Token-Infused NFT Airdrop Unveils A New Frontier of Game Promotion in Web3

When it comes to game development, one of the most daunting, tedious, and uncertain pieces of the puzzle isn’t the actual development at all but rather spreading the word, accruing players, and building a community following. Ready Games is cracking the web3 game marketing code to pave the way for any web3 game’s success.

The Ready Games
5 min readSep 15, 2022


When game publisher and Ready partner Sambrela saw Ready’s community grow over the span of two weeks — with real people, not bots — as apparent in the number of active users — they reached out to Ready’s CEO, David S. Bennahum, for marketing advice. Many projects launch airdrops or bounty campaigns to grow their community, but many fewer projects are able to acquire real, quality users from these endeavors. Benefitting the gaming community is a critical part of Ready’s mission, so here are some of Ready’s web3 marketing secrets.

True to David’s response, Ready Games invests a lot in its high-quality, industry-specific promotion in collaboration with 42 Studio, a leader in web3 marketing. The Ready Team set out to achieve community growth by conducting a token-infused NFT airdrop campaign. The first step was to create a dedicated Airdrop Landing Page and design the NFT assets.

This was the most lengthy part of the entire process in Ready Games’ case. But, if you’re a game developer and you want to launch an NFT airdrop, you can actually skip this step altogether. Your NFT designs can mimic the characters and items in your games. With Ready’s Developer Dashboard tools, converting your in-game content into NFT assets has never been easier. You also won’t need a dedicated Landing Page for the airdrop campaign for a few reasons:

  1. You have an actual game that features your NFTs as characters and items.
  2. You can promote your airdrop within Ready Games’ NFT marketplace and social chats.
  3. Being part of Ready Games’ ecosystem means that Ready will spread the word to our community about your airdrop.

Campaign Mapping

The next step in the airdrop journey was to map out the facts, goals, and specifics about the campaign and condense it all into clear, compelling, consistent, and friendly messaging in order to create content and images for a dedicated Gleam page, emails, social posts, and community messages.

Ready used Gleam to run the airdrop campaign. The basic premise of a Gleam competition is to request users to complete tasks in return for being entered to win the competition. The project picks the tasks based on the underlying goals they want to achieve. More important tasks can be distinguished as “mandatory”, while bonus tasks can be used to give dedicated participants an edge. For this Airdrop, “Refer Friends” was an optional yet incentivized task; the top 13 promoters were rewarded with the most valuable NFTs in the collection.

Our Edge: Token-Infused NFTs

When Ready set out to answer the foundational questions of the campaign, one key question was: “Why would somebody want a Ready Arcade NFT?” The answer revealed the primary edge of the campaign and unique elements of Ready’s ecosystem design: infused value in every NFT.

At the very backbone of Ready Games’ tokenomics is the notion that any NFT within the ecosystem has inherent, infused value backed by the ecosystem gold standard — the $AURA token. In other words, if you decide to mint an NFT in Ready’s ecosystem tomorrow, it must be infused with some amount of $AURA tokens. What does this mean for the NFT owner? The owner, or “holder”, can stake the tokens inside the NFT as a long-term investment while using the NFT to play in games throughout the ecosystem, or melt the NFT and retrieve its infused value of $AURA tokens for immediate access.

**Bonus: as the game developer and the initial creator of the NFT, you’ll receive royalties anytime an NFT is sold, traded, staked, or melted.

There are thousands of token airdrops and NFT airdrops, but token-infused NFT airdrops provide a critical added value to the owner: they give the winners the best of both worlds: a playable unique asset AND a vessel for holding the ecosystem-wide utility token. From a marketing and promotion standpoint, the token-infused NFT airdrop model has proven to be a home run.

The Results

Ready tested the token-infused NFT airdrop, and it exceeded expectations: check out the community growth stats, Gleam page results, 97% Twitter score, and high number of new active followers.

The airdrop’s success cannot be entirely attributed to this novel “token-infused” web3 edge — a plain old airdrop would have been successful with Ready’s promotional capabilities. Ready promoted the campaign across our social media channels, Telegram and Discord communities. Ready posted in dedicated crypto airdrop Telegram groups. Ready used web3-specific marketing channels identified by our 42 Studio experts. Ready knows the ins and outs of the web3 world and has the tools to get the word out to the right people. Most importantly: Ready will deploy these superpowers to help game developers who join its web3 ecosystem.

You Can Do It Too!

As a web3 game developer, you might be under the impression that you need to launch your own native game token in order to conduct an airdrop and grow your community, but take Ready as your example: all you need are some token-infused in-game NFT assets minted straight from your Ready Developer Dashboard, and you’ll be all set to launch your own token-infused NFT airdrop. Ready Games’ tools give you the ability to mint custom token-infused NFTs without ever launching a token of your own — everything is backed by the $AURA token, our regulation-compliant token diligently developed by tokenomics experts. And if NFTs aren’t your style, you can also easily launch a token airdrop with Ready Games by white-labeling the $AURA token with your chosen game token name. Anything is possible when you have the proper tools and resources, and Ready Games has everything needed to build up your next web3 game’s success in record time.

Read Ready’s SDK documentation for the inside scoop, or schedule a meeting with Ready’s Head of Marketing & Biz Dev to discover how Ready Games can make your next web3 game launch or community-building campaign a slam-dunk success!



The Ready Games

Making social games & infrastructure for the Web3/Game Dev creator economy.