Introducing Readymetrics

Tuomas Rinta
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2020

Introducing Readymetrics, a platform that improves the customer experience by bridging the gap between people’s career development and operational performance.

As founders of Readymetrics, Sam Zetterberg and I found ourselves often discussing how much we hated it when good people leave a company and the harmful effect it has on customers, operations, and the company’s culture.

At Readymetrics, we are building a platform that provides managers the tools to address career development and delivers actionable analytics. Our platform simplifies career discussions by providing one-on-one structured conversation templates that help managers focus on areas that stimulate a dialogue about career growth and aid in identifying risks.

Most companies fail to understand that career development should not be the sole responsibility of HR and that performance reviews should not be disconnected from your day-to-day work. Often managers see performance reviews as a mandated process, rather than seeing the value that they can provide. The best leaders make career development a core competency in their teams to drive better business outcomes.

As an engineer and leader, I have reported to the CEOs of high-growth Silicon Valley companies and have witnessed the changes in people management. I recruited and developed hundreds of engineers from the likes of Google, Uber and Airbnb and then experienced the pain of people leaving, not so much for more money, but because they did not see their future career path within the organization. I have also seen many companies trying to develop a framework to define how people can grow their career, but most have been unsuccessful. Companies invest months into developing leveling frameworks only to find the organization unable or unwilling to use it at scale.

Sam is a successful entrepreneur, having designed experience management tools for companies like Venmo, Rockstar Games, and others. He has hands-on experience developing and servicing client relationships worldwide. Sam had recently sold his stake in his previous company and was creating something new that addressed the very issues that were keeping me up at night. In the summer of 2019, Sam began designing a platform to help companies scale growth and professional development. As old friends with Finnish roots, we found ourselves in California and the more we talked, the more we were convinced that there was an opportunity to work together to solve this problem.

As engineers, managers and entrepreneurs, we agreed that there should be a better and more efficient way of managing people in a manner that retains key performers and enhances both operational performance and the customer experience. We believe that by providing managers with the right tools, companies can retain and motivate employees. This in turn helps develop a desirable company culture, while at the same time improving operations and the customer experience.

We knew first-hand that retaining good people is a challenge and we were determined to develop the platform to address this issue.

This is why we started Readymetrics. We wanted to re-envision a new standard that helps companies build a culture that retains talent. Employees have new expectations — they want on-going career counseling and development. Surveys confirm that 65% of employees cited that salary was not the reason they changed jobs — it was the experience.

If you are interested in having early access to Readymetrics, sign up here and follow us on Twitter.

Readymetrics founders: Sam Zetterberg and Tuomas Rinta



Tuomas Rinta

Helping startups grow. Previously leadership at Handshake, Unity, Readymetrics, and others. Husband, father, immigrant, dog enthusiast.