QA Manual Workflow

readytowork, Inc.
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2023

Introduction to QA workflow

QA (quality assurance) workflow is a process that is used to ensure that a product or service meets specific quality standards. This process typically includes steps, such as requirement analysis, testing, and reporting, designed to identify and fix any issues before the product is released to customers. The QA workflow is an iterative process, and each step is closely monitored to ensure that any issues are identified and addressed in a timely manner. This helps ensure that the final product or service meets the needs of customer satisfaction, reducing cost and playing a critical role in delivering high-quality software that meets the needs of users.

The manual workflow involves 6 phases:

1. Requirement Analysis: This is the first step of the QA workflow which involves understanding the needs of the customer and ensuring that the product or service being developed meets those needs.

  • Identify project Roadmap and objectives: Based on the requirements of the project, a roadmap, and objectives are set. project roadmap includes different phases of planning and requirement gathering where project scopes are defined, gather detailed requirements from clients and end users are, and start developing detailed project plans and timelines. In the second phase of the roadmap develop wireframe and UI design according to the user’s requirement and refine the design based on end-user feedback. Phase three includes the development and testing phase where develop the product in agile methodologies or any and conducts testing where QA ensures where product meets user requirements and is functional as expected. and lastly, deployment and launch where we prepare for a product launch on a relevant platform, and monitor product usage and user feedback to make improvements.
  • Test Scenario identification (What to test, how it will be tested ): It involves different scenarios that need to be tested to identify whether software[Product] meets the requirement and perform as expected. The test scenario includes the functional and nonfunctional requirement which includes a user interface, performance, security, data input-output, and other relevant aspects. On the basis of requirements, different scenarios need to be identified and tested. This involves both positive and negative test scenarios. The positive scenario includes those tests if the software performs as expected with valid input whereas the negative scenario is those which handle invalid input and handle errors accordingly.
  • Identify resources needed for the testing process: some resources needed for the testing process can be a test environment where a delicate environment is used to test the software. Test data is data used to test software. it includes both valid and invalid data to handle different scenarios. Different testing tools are available such as automation tools, performance testing, and load testing tools, and provide accurate results. Test cases are written and executed consistently and accurately.
  • Determine the schedule for testing: this aspect of requirement analysis while ensuring testing is completed within a specific timeline and software that releases on time.

2. Testing: This step involves the use of various testing techniques, such as unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing, to ensure that the product or service functions as intended. It is performed at various stages of the development process to know that defects are identified and corrected before release.

  • Execute test plan, and test cases: Test cases are created in each scenario. Test cases should be identified and prioritized. It includes the different steps required to execute according to Scenario, expected result, and necessary test data. Once test cases are made it should be executed to verify whether the software performs as expected or not. The result of the test should be recorded and any issues should be tracked in the bug list.
  • Evaluate results and report and track issues using a bug-tracking system: This includes collecting and evaluating test results. Reviewing test cases and any bugs or defects that are identified during testing. The identified defects are categorized on the basis of their severity and impact; they are the highest priority, followed by major and minor defects. It is essential to know the root cause of defects, to prevent similar defects from occurring in the future. once the defects are fixed, the software needs to test again and ensure the fix is effective and no defects are introduced. finally, the result of testing should be reported to the developer, project manager, and end users and ensure fixes that everyone is aware of the software quality and any remaining issues.

3. Reporting:

This step involves reviewing the product or service to ensure that it meets the requirements and standards set forth in the design and development phases. It provides an overview of the progress, status, and quality of the software. Reporting involves communicating with project managers, developers, and end users. The main purpose of the testing report is to provide information on the quality of the software, the status of the software, and bugs that have been identified.

  • Test results and defects: Test results should include a summary of test results which includes the number of test cases executed, the total number of bugs reported, and the total number of test cases passed. Defect[Bug] reports include the total number of bugs identified during testing with their severity, priority, and status.
  • Progress of testing: The report provides an overview of the progress status of the testing plan vs the actual progress of the task, testing status, and any bugs that are identified.
  • Identify areas for improvement for future development: the report includes recommendations to improve the quality of the software such as a change in requirements, and UI designs testing strategy.

4. Run Re-Tests and Regression Tests:

This step involves QA is an ongoing process, and it is essential to continuously monitor and improve the product or service to ensure that it continues to meet customer needs. Ensure that the changes did not introduce any new bugs or issues. Maintaining the quality and stability of the software. Ensure that previously working functionality has not been broken or degraded by recent changes. Retesting is the process that involves executing test cases that have failed in the previous testing process, ensuring whether the bug has been fixed or not. It is one of the most important parts of software development where the bugs have been resolved and meet the desired functionality and requirements. Retesting is done after developers have made changes to the software-identified bug. Regression testing is the process of re-executing previously executed test cases to ensure whether changes have not introduced new bugs or impacted any functionality of the product. This testing helps to ensure that any changes to the function have not any impact on the existing functionality.

5. Release:

This step includes the process of releasing a product or service that has been thoroughly tested and has met certain quality standards. This process is also called making a new version of the product available for users to install and use. Releases typically include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. Before the release software should undergo final testing to ensure that functionality.

6. Closure:

This phase refers to the formal ending of the project or software development cycle. This step includes several steps to ensure that the project is properly completed. The closure process includes evaluation: the project teams evaluate whether the project met the requirements, time of delivery, and quality standards of the products. Documentation: the project team documents every step that includes complete software, test results, user manuals, and other related documentation. Handover: the project team handover the product to the clients. This phase includes providing necessary training support to ensure a successful transition of the product.

