Understanding Flutter routing: named routes, anonymous routes, and onGenerateRoute

Bantawa Pawan
readytowork, Inc.
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2022

Flutter routing is the process of navigating between screens or pages in a Flutter app. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at three important concepts related to routing in Flutter: named routes, anonymous routes, and onGenerateRoute.

Named routes

In Flutter, named routes allow us to refer to screens by name, rather than having to reference them directly. To use named routes, we first need to define them in the routes property of our MaterialApp or CupertinoApp widget. Here's an example:

routes: {
'/home': (context) => HomeScreen(),
'/about': (context) => AboutScreen(),
'/settings': (context) => SettingsScreen(),
// Other properties...

Once we’ve defined our named routes, we can navigate to them using the pushNamed method. For example, to navigate to the AboutScreen, we could use the following code:


Named routes are particularly useful when working with deep linking, as they allow us to specify a unique URL for each screen in our app.

Anonymous routes

In Flutter, anonymous routes are routes that are not defined in the routes property of our MaterialApp or CupertinoApp widget. Instead, they are created on the fly when we navigate to them using the push method.

Here’s an example of using the push method to navigate to an anonymous route:Copy code

builder: (context) => MyScreen(),

Anonymous routes are useful when we want to create a temporary screen that is not part of our app’s main navigation flow. For example, we might use an anonymous route to display a modal dialog or a full-screen overlay.


The onGenerateRoute property of MaterialApp and CupertinoApp widgets allow us to customize the routing behavior of our app. This property takes a RouteFactory function as its value, and this function is called whenever the app needs to create a Route to handle a navigation request.

Here’s an example of using onGenerateRoute to create a custom Route for a named route:

onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
if (settings.name == '/custom') {
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => CustomScreen(),
// Other routes...
// Other properties...

The RouteFactory function receives a RouteSettings object as its parameter, which contains information about the navigation request, such as the name of the route and any arguments that were passed to it. We can use this information to create a custom Route that handles the navigation request in a specific way.

In summary, named routes, anonymous routes, and onGenerateRoute are all important concepts to understand when working with routing in Flutter. Named routes allow us to refer to screens by name, and anonymous routes are created on-the-fly, and onGenerateRoute allows us to customize the routing behavior of our app. Happy Coding 🎉

