The Doubt in You

Subham Goyal
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2018

The doubt on our creativity is always there. If I could make a masterpiece or if I could sustain the success that I gained and a lot more.

The Egyptians believed that creativity is not possessed by the humans rather they would think that some divine energy from unknown space comes into you for some unknown reason and makes you do creative work. Similarly, Socrates used to believe that he was possessed by a demon, which makes him talk wise words and for Romans, it was some “Genius”.

The moment when fear enters your heart is the moment when creativity starts dying. The question, “If I could make another masterpiece again” will make you think that this particular piece is going to be worst one.

Elizabeth Gilbert, a famous writer says, when she wasn’t able to write a good piece today, she blames the so-called Genius or Demon or Divine energy ( Metaphorically ). “ I am doing my job, I am here, ready to write. It’s you, who isn’t present today. “ Such a wise way of not letting your creativity and confidence fade away, just because you couldn’t work amazingly, for one day.

Remember, Miracles don’t just happen every day. If they did, they wouldn’t have called them Miracles.
So, instead of waiting for a miracle.

Be the Miracle

