Wake Up

Subham Goyal
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018

It has been centuries since there was a culture of harassing women all around the world. Father beats her up because she didn’t study well and husband beats her up, as she didn’t put an exact amount of sugar in his coffee.

There were people, who sacrificed their lives to stop this social evil like “Sati”, “ KanyaSulkam” etc etc. There are people, who are still fighting on crimes against women. Darna’s, Rallies, Walks, World Wide Conference, National wide talks to bring awareness among people and still there is no sign of change.

When will this world stop harassing their mothers, teasing their sisters, sexually assaulting their neighbours and raping their own daughters??

We wake up every day with cup of strong coffee and you open the paper, you find this news;

1. 4-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a minor boy.

2. 8-year-old girl was raped by her stepfather.

3. Mentally challenged women was raped by her neighbour.

4. A Laborer was gang-raped 2 days ago.

4 years, 5 years and 8 years; is it the age to get raped?

So, how many years more are you going to bare this sexual assaults, rapes, violence against women? When will you come out this sleep of “Karma”? WAKE UP PEOPLE. WAKE UP!!

How do you change this world? It’s just simple, fight against your ignorance to the fact that, these women and children are being assaulted because of their “ Karma “. Nope, it is because of your ignorance.

1. We observe, what is happening in the neighbourhood if there is marriage or death ceremony or some girl talking to some boy. But ignore, if someone is being sexually assaulted. Open your Eyes.

2. Stop laughing at the jokes, anything regarding sexual assault, rape etc. Say “ It is not Funny “.

3. Girls stop wasting your time in gossiping,

Learn Self Defense

4. Girls, any violence against you or if someone is eve-teasing you,

Don’t be Scared, Shout and tell everyone

5. Neither your father nor your brother nor your friend nor your relatives nor your husband have right to beat you.

Never bear them nor fight back, just tell everyone, even strangers

6. 70% of boys, fight among their own group or with the other groups.

Fight to save a girl

Believe me, you will be awarded.

7. It is easy to give birth to a child. Every single species on this earth does bring up their offspring.

Learn how to react, if your ward is/ has been sexually assaulted

8. Educational Officers, add more about successful women leaders like Rani Rudhrama Devi, Jhansi Laxmi Bai and Kiran Bedi.

Teach equality and Anger Management Courses

9. Schools, you do take a lot of money in the name of a library, sports, music, infrastructure.

Teach Self Defense for the kids and also teachers

10. Government and Law, how many years are you going to take, to punish these brutal rapists. People do think once or twice before they commit a murder or a kidnap, but not even a single second they would think to tease a girl or to rape a girl.

Make brutal and quicker punishments

No one from the heaven does come down to save you, girls. It’s YOU, who will have to save yourself. We are always asked to stay in safe places, go out with someone you know, stay in the hands your father or husband for the rest of your lives. It doesn’t show our culture, but it shows “ How the worst situation is our country/place is in”.

Stop Violence Against Women Now.

