10 Philosophical Questions that Challenged Me to My Core

Challenge yourself with these 10 questions

Christopher D. Connors


The Socratic method of asking questions is what leads you to learn and experience powerful personal growth. The man himself is famous for saying, “The highest form of human excellence is to question oneself and others.” The goal of this questioning is to get to the core of who you truly are, why that matters and what you can do with that new information.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve continued asking myself the philosophical questions that have led me to become a full-time entrepreneur, bestselling author, keynote speaker, husband and father of three. In the coaching work I do with exceptional leaders, I’ve found their success is tied to asking very difficult questions and coming up with answers that lead to their purpose and direction forward.

Herein are 10 philosophical questions that have changed my life and challenged me to get uncomfortable, grow, move and make progress without making excuses. I hope you find enormous benefit in these.

What is holding you back from the life you truly want?

This is a question about a process of elimination and identifying things that do not fit your lifestyle or definition of success. It’s also a deeper…

