3 Life Lessons Brimming With Inspiration and Motivation

We have many different purposes.



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The more you know, the less you truly understand. Interesting, isn’t it?

Life is heartbreakingly beautiful in its intriguing mysteriousness and with an infinite number of lessons to teach us. The school of life has the capacity to both inspire and motivate us.

Below are three essential life lessons, and since we are all made of the same stuff, these lessons can apply to all of us, at any age and at any stage— wherever we are right now.

Each of these ideas is like a stem of understanding, seemingly one thing with one purpose, but when we investigate further, we discover the buds of new knowledge for any season of life.

And similarly, life lessons serve as an anchor of our metaphorical roots, transporting knowledge and wisdom throughout the vast collective.

Three Essential Life Lessons

1. We have many different purposes.

When we are asked what we want to be when we grow up, usually one profession is expected of us. But as I’ve learned throughout life, we are multifaceted beings, and our purposes are many.



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Writer and editor with a background in animal behavior, journalism, philosophy, psychology & spirituality.