How to Build Off Positive and Negative Experiences to Find Success

True Success isn’t as elusive as you may think. You need to know how to find it.

Christopher D. Connors


A great place to learn about winning is from losers.


Yeah, that’s how you really learn what it’s like to win. You don’t learn nearly as much from the triumphs and celebrations. As someone that has lost many times as a college athlete, coach, businessman and human being in the world, I know that greatest losses always lead to the greatest wins.

And the truth is, all of us will lose in life. There’s no such world that exists where winners perpetually reign supreme. There are few greater places to learn this than from the life story of Charlie Munger, the partner of Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.

This is a man who refused to let devastating setbacks weigh him down. He kept moving forward in his personal and professional life despite tremendous adversity. He fought in World War II and dealt with the horrors that accompany fighting for your life each day. He lost his son tragically due to leukemia at the age of 9 — a devastating setback for any person.

He suffered through divorce, lost his father at a young age, and seemingly had no direction in his professional…

