Reality Check

By Natasha Kurien

Natasha Kurien
3 min readNov 22, 2020


Reality seeps through the cracks of life,
becoming evident only when
the damage is significant.

The sponge that is the mind absorbs
this dawn of realization all at once
stirring up a furor within.

The attempt to make sense of it
can be elusive,
evasive, and draining at the same time.

Unrealistic expectations,
that do not match up to reality
overwhelms the mind beyond a doubt.

The decisions of everyday life add to it
setting off a whirlpool of tasks
to tick off the many to-do lists that follow.

The mind chooses to rely on
a framework of self-improvement
to serve as motivation.

A congested YouTube feed
with suggestions on how
to get better at what you do.

A bookshelf filled with
books of productivity hacks
on self-improvement.

Podcast suggestions
to get better
to be more.

Blog posts suggesting to ‘do this every morning’
‘eat this when you wake up’
‘work out this way’.

Listen to this podcast
read this book
sleep at this time, wake up at this.

There’s so much out there
telling you to get better
to change these habits.

To change your personality
how to become an extrovert
when you’re not one.

How to walk away from pain
how to forget your past
how to this, how to that.

It’s an unending train of self-help
sending out a message
that you are not enough.

That you have to improve
that you have to change
that you have to become someone else.

These frameworks are efficient in their own ways,
I’m sure, but to be constantly fed by them
everywhere you go, can’t be a good thing.

It’s okay to do away with them
to just be you,
in the best way, you know how to.

Some days it’s okay to not push yourself
it’s okay to slow down
to breathe, and take it all in as it comes.

You are enough, you are doing what you can
you are showing up every single day
regardless of your circumstances.

You are just fine
without these add-ons
telling you to be someone else.

It’s okay to step away
to just catch up with yourself
and check-in.

With how you’re doing
how you’re feeling
and most importantly, how you are.

You don’t have to live up to what they say
you don’t have to be someone else
you, in all your glory, are perfectly you.

There’s absolutely no one out there like you
who can do what you do
be who you are.

See things the way you see them
show up for what you have to
in the way, that you have been.

It’s okay to stop for a reality check every once in a while
to check up on yourself
to take care of yourself.

To hold yourself when it gets too much
it’s okay to take time for yourself
to shut everyone and everything out.

You don’t have to race ahead to get to the finish line
no matter how much you stress yourself over it
there are going to be a million finishing lines.

You will make it to them
when you have to
in your own time.

Stop, and reflect.
slow down, take a deep breath in
and then, repeat.



Natasha Kurien
Writer for

On the road to self discovery-looking to make peace with the past, present and future. Living to learn and learning to live.