You’ll never have it all figured out — that’s OK

Here’s what to do instead.

Christopher D. Connors


Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

Despite many a successful person’s efforts to gain influence and control over every part of their life, it will never happen. Never.

And you know what?

That’s actually a great thing.

You have to seek to influence what you can and control what is within your control. But know it’s not possible to influence everything. As a result, you won’t figure out the answer to everything.

Those of us with dominant personalities fight this battle each day. Eventually, you have to let go. Faith needs to enter the equation. Faith in yourself, faith in others, faith in God — faith that things will work out in harmony with your life. Faith is one of the most fundamental values to living a life you can be proud of.

Goals provide you with something to reach for and work to attain. Most successful people I’ve observed and studied succeed by setting small, incremental goals. Those goals can then fit into the context of a long-term plan. If you choose, the benefits of completing a 5-year plan are enormous.

This enables you to get clear on what you’re doing today, tomorrow and far beyond. It allows you to set “reach goals” on things you truly want to do in your life. Knowing that your plan…

