Ask These 3 Questions Before Joining Real Estate Social Networks and Groups

There are many different social networks available today. You can join social networks for a particular interest or join a larger community and find groups that you can connect with. When you are considering adding social networking as part of your online real estate marketing it is important to take time to determine which network will be the best fit for you.

The number of options and flexibility with the different social networks means they can be very powerful tools, but that can also lead to the tough question of “where do I start?” Before you jump in and start filling out new profiles on the different networks it is important to take into consideration what type of network will give you the most for your time investment.

I invite you to consider the following before you start with your real estate social networking efforts:

Where are your friends and associates currently?

You may already have friends and co-workers on some of the major networks. If you already have heard that a number of people you know are on a network, you might want to join that one first. Joining a social network where you already know many people will help you start with a good foundation and help you to get results quickly.

Do you want a social network, business network, or a mix of both?

Some networks are more social than others. Other social networks lend themselves to almost pure business (i.e. LinkedIn) while others provide a mix of business and professional. Evaluate the different networks to find one that works best for your personality so you can take advantage of every feature possible.

How fast is the network growing?

Some networks are still experiencing explosive growth while others are experiencing plateaus. Joining a network that still is growing quickly can give you the opportunity to become a hub of information while new people continue to join the conversation.

There are many different social networks available to the real estate professional. Whether you join popular large networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, or even a real estate specific network like Roi’s List Web Platform and Roi’s List App, it is important to have a plan of action when you join. Take time to set goals every day for your real estate social networking activities and you will be able to start closing business from the moment you join a new network.

Closing deals has never been this simple

Struggling to meet the right people to advance your real estate business?

With Roi’s List you can complete a deal in 3 easy steps:

1. Tell others what you’re looking for

Fill in your profile and tell people who your target audience is and what types of deals are you interested in.

2. Find investors based on your profile

Find the people who are really interested in a deal. We save you the hassle of trying to reach out to random investors and slowly building your network. Roi’s List is an instant black book for investors to do deals with whenever you need one.

3. Make a deal

With Roi’s List, it is easy to message anyone who is interested in making a deal. We fast-tracked the networking process so you don’t waste your time searching for potential investors. Make a deal with someone looking for exactly what you’ve got to offer.

Download Roi’s List Here



Roi's List
Real Estate Investors Networking — Roi’s List

We created Roi’s List out of a need that we ourselves faced as investors. REIA meetings are great places to meet like-minded individuals for business.