How Real Estate Investors Profit Using Social Networking

There are a lot of Real Estate Investors spending time on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo and the latest being focused only on Real Estate, Roi’s List Web Social Network. These sites are popular because they allow you to network with other groups that share the same interests as you do. The sites also do not charge unless you choose to pay for some of their advertising options or special services.

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A social networking site is a place investors can go to reach out to potential customers immediately.

Some real estate investing ideas on ways to use social networking sites to build a lucrative business are below:

1. Build a List of Customers

If you’re just getting started with marketing your business online than social networking is the most cost efficient way to start gathering a list of potential customers. Go onto any social networking site and search for the niche that you are most interested in reaching. You can search for your niche and mix it with a city if you wish to start focusing on the local area first. Once you find someone that you think could utilize your services or find someone that you could learn from invite them to be your friend or follower. Most will be happy to start a professional networking relationship with you.

2. Relationship Building

Once you have gathered a list of friends with like interests, than start posting valuable information that will perk their interest in you, post pictures that will intrigue people to ask you questions, set up events and invite your friends or followers to the events, offer something of value like a free educational recording, report or eBook. Some real estate investors even give advice concerning the current housing market situation. All of these things will allow you to start building trust and relationships online.

3. Communication

Real estate investors share updates or important information on networking sites. If you have an investment opportunity, available property, special service, announcement, business expansion or even a promotion of some sort than social networking keeps your customers at your finger tips.

4. Make Connections

One of the most profitable ways to make money via social networking is by making valuable connections. If you’re interested in kicking your business into high gear than networking is priceless. Many deals are made by referrals especially in real estate investing. Make sure you try to connect with people that are successful or have similar interests as you. Find out what they are currently working on and ask them if there is anything that you can do to help them out? Once you are able to help someone else then this creates a strong connection or bond that will have them wanting to help you out as well.

All of the above tactics are used to start building customer relationships online. Beware…the social networking sites can be time consuming or distracting because they’re so darn fun. Make sure you focus on them only 1–2 hours a day or your day may very well pass you by.

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Struggling to meet the right people to advance your real estate business?

With Roi’s List you can complete a deal in 3 easy steps:

1. Tell others what you’re looking for

Fill in your profile and tell people who your target audience is and what types of deals are you interested in.

2. Find investors based on your profile

Find the people who are really interested in a deal. We save you the hassle of trying to reach out to random investors and slowly building your network. Roi’s List is an instant black book for investors to do deals with whenever you need one.

3. Make a deal

With Roi’s List, it is easy to message anyone who is interested in making a deal. We fast-tracked the networking process so you don’t waste your time searching for potential investors. Make a deal with someone looking for exactly what you’ve got to offer.

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Roi's List
Real Estate Investors Networking — Roi’s List

We created Roi’s List out of a need that we ourselves faced as investors. REIA meetings are great places to meet like-minded individuals for business.