How to Set Up Your Real Estate Social Networking Plan

Jumping into the real estate social networking scene is like jumping into the middle of the ocean without GPS or a compass. Without a map, you won’t know which way to start paddling and no way to control how to get there. That is why having a Real Estate social networking plan should be a vital part of your real estate SEO strategy.

What kind of plan do you need? Your Real Estate social networking plan doesn’t need to be novel-length. But it should have the necessary ingredients to keep you on track to building a successful network and ultimately customers.

Here is a basic Real Estate social networking plan that you can start using today.

Determine Goals and Outcomes

Before you begin creating your plan, you need to know what you want to achieve. Are you looking to build a client base through Real Estate SEO efforts? Do you wish to network with other Real Estate professionals? Perhaps your goal is to establish your expertise in your real estate niche.

You will also need to determine where your intended audience will be. Will you be looking for networking contacts on Facebook? Are you looking to attract clients through YouTube? Or maybe get a following of Real Estate professionals on Twitter?

Set Up Your Website

If you have not already, you must get a web presence published. Your Real Estate social networking plan will have no “home base” without a website. It is best to set incorporate a blog feature in your website. Your blog and regular updates, articles, and features will be part of your pillar of expert content to where you will lead followers from social media.

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Set Up Social Media Accounts

It’s time to get connected with social media communities. You should have researched which online communities will suit your Real Estate social networking goals. Set up your professional accounts. On Facebook, be sure yours is a business page where you can gather fans to follow your social media movements. Hook up to Twitter and other places that will reach your intended audience. Be sure to provide a link to your website in your profile with each account.

Join Roi’s List Web Platform

It is free to join Roi’s List Web. It has the same feel like using Facebook. Just setup a profile, upload your deals, add friends and connect. Think of it as social media only that its dedicated to your real estate success!

Get News Results

What do you have to say? It should be pertinent and timely, and be in the current interest of your intended followers. Set up Google Alerts on specific Real Estate SEO keywords. Also get your ear to the ground on social topics through


Each day, browse through your results and find a topic or two that is of current interest. Write a blog or an article. Post questions and links on your social media and engage conversation and response. Your Real Estate social networking depends on the quality of interest and engagement you can generate. Get involved!

Your real estate social networking plan should follow the above guidelines. Take a look at your plan and improve your Real Estate SEO through social media today.

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With Roi’s List you can complete a deal in 3 easy steps:

1. Tell others what you’re looking for

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2. Find investors based on your profile

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3. Make a deal

With Roi’s List, it is easy to message anyone who is interested in making a deal. We fast-tracked the networking process so you don’t waste your time searching for potential investors. Make a deal with someone looking for exactly what you’ve got to offer.



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Real Estate Investors Networking — Roi’s List

We created Roi’s List out of a need that we ourselves faced as investors. REIA meetings are great places to meet like-minded individuals for business.