Real Estate News Headlines // September 23rd 2016

Jethro Seymour
Real Estate News


Jethro Seymour, one of the Top Toronto Real Estate Brokers, provides you with Canadian real estate news headlines

Property purchase figures released Thursday by British Columbia’s government reveals a stampede of foreign home buyers scrambling to avoid paying an additional 15 per cent a tax in the days before the Aug. 2 deadline.

In today’s age of inflated housing prices and looming bubbles, shadow selling, house flipping and trading, the real estate supply in Canada is beginning to look and act a whole lot more like precious metals than necessary dwellings for you and your family.

“Parts of the HRM are certainly still affordable with an average sold price below $250,000,” says Shannon Gavin, a franchise owner in HRM. “…A couple, both earning full-time minimum wage, with some savings, can afford home ownership. Take the Woodlawn area of Dartmouth for instance.”

According to real estate numbers The Coast crunched from and the Canadian Real Estate Association’s average price map, Halifax is looking pretty happy relative to other provincial capitals when it comes to housing costs compared to average income.

As we wait for the numbers from the Province on foreign buyers in the month of August, the Conference Board of Canada is out with their real estate numbers across the country.



Jethro Seymour
Real Estate News

Real Estate Broker & Listing Specialist in Toronto. I help buy & sell homes in Davisville, Leaside & Midtown. Active Community Supporter.