Real Estate News Headlines // September 20th 2016

Jethro Seymour
Real Estate News


Jethro Seymour, one of the Top Toronto Real Estate Brokers, provides you with Canadian real estate news headlines

An in-depth review of Canada’s anti-money laundering efforts has uncovered serious concerns that organized crime is using the country’s hot real estate sector to illegally funnel cash.

The report from the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force makes special note of real estate as an area of the economy with a high risk of illicit activity, one of a few weak spots in what the report calls a comprehensive federal regime to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Pundits, analysts, and interested observers have all said the same thing about Canadian housing for years now: we’re in a bubble.



Jethro Seymour
Real Estate News

Real Estate Broker & Listing Specialist in Toronto. I help buy & sell homes in Davisville, Leaside & Midtown. Active Community Supporter.