Why I Love Teles! — Curt Northrup

Bill Burman
Teles Properties. Real Estate. Reimagined.
2 min readMay 23, 2017

Curt Northrup loves Teles because the inherent hard work in real estate prospecting forces him to be honest with himself.

“If you care about what you’re doing,” Northrup recently said, “you’re going to be thoughtful and do it well.”

It’s time for another installment in our continuing series “Why I Love Teles!” featuring profiles of our Teles agents. In these posts, we take a look at the agents who make Teles what it is, and they tell us why they love calling Teles home.

Today, we’re sitting down with Curt Northrup. Northrup was recently profiled by Peter Hernandez on the Teles podcast ‘Friday Morning Drive,’ where he talked about a bit of his history before becoming a real estate agent.

Northrup’s story is fascinating. For two decades he was a top executive in the entertainment industry until his passion for architecture and real estate development led him to transitioned his career to luxury real estate. His experience began at The William Morris Agency in the early 90s, quickly developing strong negotiating skills and relationships with A-List actors, directors and producers as well top industry executives. Following William Morris, Curt was recruited to be a Senior Vice President for ITV America, creating, selling and producing top network programming. Following ITV, he served as a senior programming executive at NBC. Navigating the executive ranks of corporate entertainment developed Curt’s discriminating professional standards and cultivated the skills which make him an excellent real estate agent.

We sat down with Northrup, and his answers were brief, but passionate.

Why do you love Teles?

I love Teles because they give me everything I need to be the best!

What is your favorite aspect?

Cross marketing allows our team of real estate agents across our entire footprint to market properties to our different spheres. The collaborative effort of the Teles cross marketing platform is huge for my business!

Why did you join?

To work with the most influential agents, one in particular, being Ernie Carswell! (ed. — Carswell is one of Teles’ superstar agents with many high profile celebrities as clients).

What Teles features help you drive your business?

Cross marketing, as previously mentioned, is one of the most helpful Teles features which goes hand in hand with our eBlast programs. I am able to work with our marketing team and create specific Eblasts to share information with my clients. Lastly, the moral support of the executive team and support team is extraordinary.

