5 Ways Smart Real Estate Agents Can Attract Millennial Clients

Real Estate Writer
Real Estate Report
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2017
Smart Real Estate Agents Know Attracting Younger Clients is Crucial for Long-Term Success

One of the best ways to increase the profitability of your real estate career over a longer period of time is to work with millennial clients. Younger buyers/sellers will often need the services of a trusted real estate agent for decades to come. If you hope to attract younger clients to your real estate services, following are five tips you should consider integrating into your client acquisition strategy.

1] Make mobile and social media marketing a major component of your client outreach efforts. Millennials are a savvy bunch; they’re among the top users of mobile technology and social networking platforms.

2] Try to offer mortgage options for those with high debt loads. A growing number of millennials have significant student debt that can impact their ability to qualify for standard mortgages.

3] Focus your marketing on client recommendations including reviews regarding your trustworthiness and honesty. Referrals from social connections are vitally important for millennials.

4] Be willing to negotiate your agent fees. Millennials aren’t afraid to ask for reduced rates in exchange for giving you their business and/or recommending you to friends.

5] Integrate diversity into your marketing strategy. Reaching out to ethnic populations and LGBT communities can have a huge impact on the profitability of your real estate career.

Attracting more millennial clients is easy if you know the traits they are looking for. Increasing your customer base of younger clients allows you to extend your referral network for a longer period of time. Since younger buyers will often purchase more than one home during their lifetime, connecting early means you stand to earn plenty of real estate referrals. Will you be trying any of these tips to increase your ratio of millennial clients?


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Real Estate Writer
Real Estate Report

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