Top Twitter Chats for Real Estate Professionals

Real Estate Writer
Real Estate Report
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2018
Grow Your Real Estate Business Exponentially with These Powerful Twitter Chats

Are you a real estate professional who wants to become more active on Twitter? Do you understand the power of Twitter to connect with a global audience, but aren’t quite sure how to use Twitter to grow your real estate business and increase your commissions? One of the most powerful ways to use Twitter to grow your real estate brand is to participate in Twitter chats.

You can find Twitter chats on a variety of topics relevant to your business, you just have to diligent in your approach to finding the right chats for your business development goals. Whether you want to become a better business blogger or you want to increase your social media return on investment, there are a myriad of phenomenal Twitter chats at your disposal. Consider participating in the following chats on Twitter, and you’ll be amazed at how empowered you feel as a real estate professional.


The #TwitterSmarter chat is an incredible resource for real estate professionals who want to improve their Twitter skills. Take part in this regular Twitter chat and you will learn everything from how to use content curation to supercharge your real estate brand, to how to become an influencer within your industry. This chat moves fast, so be prepared to be overwhelmed at first. You’ll be surprised at the nuggets of Twitter wisdom you can discover simply by following along with the #TwitterSmarter gang and reading their discussions.


The #BrandChat Twitter chat is another excellent option for real estate professionals who want to improve their brand-building skills. Network with other professionals outside of your industry and learn personal branding techniques to grow your real estate business. Be sure to scour the feed of this popular Twitter chat once it is over as you are sure to miss valuable snippets of conversation.


If you want to use business blogging to grow your real estate business and earn more commissions, clear your Sunday evenings for #blogchat. This popular chat has been around for years and is hosted every Sunday evening by Mack Collier. When you participate in this chat, you can learn about everything from ensuring your blog is optimized for mobile readers to discovering the best plugins and extensions for your business blog. #Blogchat occasionally offers open-microphone night where you can ask any sort of blogging question you like.


Hosted by the fine folks at the Content Marketing Institute, the #CMWorld chat is another top pick for real estate agents that want to up their content marketing game. Chat directly with content marketing influencers, learn about the latest trending topics within the marketing sector, and make connections you can use to grow your network on Twitter. This Twitter chat is like sitting in on a master class in marketing, so have a bucket ready in case your brain explodes from all the new information.

These are just a few of many Twitter chats real estate professionals can consider participating in if they want to become better brand builders, marketers, and social media connectors. The more effort you put into building your network on Twitter and growing your online audience, the likelier it is you will see an increase in opportunities and real estate referrals. Immerse yourself in the world of Twitter chats and you’ll never again feel like you’re not using Twitter to its full potential.


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