Four Tips to Find Your Path to Fitness

Real. Good.
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2016

At GlobeOne, we like to promote living happy, more fulfilling lives and one of the paths to achieving those goals is through physical fitness. Unlike previous generations that were limited to traditional steady-state cardio and weightlifting workouts, millennials are redefining personal fitness.

Although we are the largest consumers of gym memberships, we have largely rejected traditional gym workouts to which Baby Boomers and Gene-Xers are accustomed in favor of a more personalized approach more in keeping with our values.

Today, there’s a dizzying number of ways you can stay fit ranging from home workouts to more social alternatives. If you’re looking for a great way to stay fit, but aren’t sure where to start, here’s a list of options to point you in the right direction.

  • Community-Based Workouts — Instead of boring, steady-state cardio workouts that were favored by previous generations, we recommend trying shorter, more intense full-body workouts that use high-intensity interval training and are also fun and social. Some good examples include yoga, barre, SoulCycle, Zumba and CrossFit.
  • Alternative Workouts — Thanks to workout programs like P90X3, TRX and Focus T25, you can enjoy an intense workout from the comfort of your own home to which you can do at your own pace.
  • Races and Obstacle Courses — Sick of being cooped up at home? Go for a run! Ever-popular, running is still one of the best ways to stay in shape. Thanks to new technology like zero drop running shoes, you can better avoid injury and focus on your fitness.

Is standard running not exciting enough for you? Why not try a Tough Mudder, Dirty Girl Mud Run or Warrior Dash? These obstacle courses range in intensity, but they’re all heavy on mud.

If you want to start off slow and still have a good time, consider fun runs like the Color Run, which is considered the “Happiest 5k on the Planet.”

  • Fitness Wearables/Apps — Activity trackers from manufacturers like FitBit, Garmin and Jawbone can help you based on your individual needs, whether it’s step-counting, sleep tracking or heart rate tracking.

There are also mobile fitness apps like MyFitnessPal and ActiveX that offer calorie counters and workout programs right on your phone.

No matter what you’re looking for, there’s a workout and technology to help you reach your fitness goals.

Now get out there!

