Hello Friends at CIA! How Are You Today?

Amy Sterling Casil
REAL in other words
3 min readMar 7, 2017


Now thanks to #Vault7, we know that the CIA has a seemingly endless suite of tools to spy on pretty much anyone, anywhere at any time who uses modern technology, including smartphones, smart TVs, and cars with any type of telematics.

This will be hashed over for months, if not years, in all the tech news.

But as a pre-censored writer with zero assistance from anyone due to my gender, topics, and support for progressive causes, I have a question.

Well, two, actually. First, “Hello friends at the CIA! How are you today?”

I don’t care. I hope some day you are in the same position as this little homeless girl with no shoes. Did you know that nearly 50% of American children are living in poverty? There are twice as many homeless children today as there were when I mistakenly wasted ten years of my life trying to make a difference — heck, our whole town did — back in the 90s. There are twice as many men in prison now as back then, too. Most of them are African-American. And just about everybody has gone downhill economically since the 90s. So in that respect, CIA, I care as much about you as you do about us Americans or anybody else. I have no idea what you care about, because from my perspective, here is question #2:


Let’s forget “right v wrong v legal”. Let’s just talk money. How the hell much did all of this duplication of what the NSA already did cost? How many little kids went without food and slept in the streets because of your prodigious waste?

How many people are in prison on false charges right now with no chance at a life because of your insane, out of control need to “control” things that cannot and should not be controlled?

Remember how they used to talk about environmental sustainability back in the days before you were flooding every media outlet 24–7 with news about how Trump is a Russian spy?

How is this type of gross, insanely out of control surveillance and duplicate (triplicate, quadruplicate?) spending of billions sustainable? We cannot put shoes on children, cannot educate them reliably, cannot give them glasses or dental care, and tell people it’s their fault if they cannot find a job that will feed their family or put a roof over their heads — even with college degrees!

But you, CIA, you guys are amazing at spying on everyone in every imaginable way. You control our “newspapers,” you control our televisions, you have made us all fat, complacent, ignorant and … you know what? Even the most complacent get a little antsy when they don’t have food to eat.

Who are you making safe with all this?

Little kids on the street, starving with no shoes? Old people who can’t afford aspirin, much less prescription medication — or food?

Or are you just getting some type of charge out of looking at people taking a dump in the morning, SKYPING their boyfriends or girlfriends, getting dressed, getting undressed, sleeping, doing work if they can still get it … cooking dinner … making love …

Average people knew that it was wrong to make nuclear weapons that could destroy the whole world. We spent untold amounts of money to build them anyway. People starved. They ended up on the streets. They still die of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, substance misuse. Whole towns are devastated and it’s their fault according to your CIA-controlled media employees: because they’re ignorant white racists. All those millions of black men in prison: their fault too because they were angry black men. Or drugs. Put on the streets by YOU! Fault fault blame blame hate hate spy spy —

Regular people know that this type of insane, extreme, out of control surveillance is wrong. It doesn’t protect anyone.

CIA — you’re not “heroes.” You’re villains.

Average people now have more than ample reason to suspect that, not only is Donald J. Trump not a Russian agent,

Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, nor did the killers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Bobby Kennedy, or Malcolm X.

Is this the last man to tell any of us the truth? It certainly seems so.

Swords into plowshares; cellphones into slag. It cannot happen soon enough.



Amy Sterling Casil
REAL in other words

Over 500 million views and 5 million published words, top writer in health and social media. Author of 50 books, former exec, Nebula nominee.