Trump’s 1K Member Russian Troll Army?

Amy Sterling Casil
REAL in other words
5 min readApr 6, 2017


Any progressive will tell you that we’ve been Twitter shadowbanned for weeks and any news account or Wikileaks has one or more dedicated trolls with scripts at the ready.

I wrote about the social media army employed by ShareBlue last month. At the time, I hadn’t decided what their genuine purpose was. Most of us on the progressive side tend to approach circumstances from an honest perspective (the trolls present their boss’ perspective, there’s some ideology at play).

The only ideology is keeping people off Twitter.

Let me rephrase that.

What is the purpose of these trolls? Is it to “convince” anyone of what the Los Angeles Times said was “Our Dishonest President” in an editorial of such breathtaking nonfactual material and bias that it inspired even lifelong Democrats who did vote for Hillary Clinton to wonder “WTF is going on?”

The only ideology is to keep people from reading, discussing, learning, or communicating at all.

I never see original Wikileaks tweets although I follow the account — I have go to individually and separately to their Twitter feed.

A couple of days ago, they re-tweeted a link from the Podesta emails that turned out to be a relatively high-minded, ambitious policy paper prepared for “President-Elect Barack Obama” in late October, 2008. A lot of people would go, “Wait a second …” I’m not so shocked about that. I’m sure there are one or more such white papers for every presidential candidate, successful and unsuccessful. The point of the tweet was that currently-controversial Obama administration official Susan Rice was one of the two dozen (many formerly) influential Democrats who prepared the policy paper for President Obama.

The real tragedy of the document was that it proposed a “Right Deal” for the President to follow that encompassed jobs, stimulus, financial industry reform, economic recovery and even some gestures toward international peace. Just about nothing in the document ever came to pass, much less a “Right Deal” similar to the “New Deal” as suggested by the document authors (Rice, Henry Cisneros, numerous others).

So these two bots started harassing other commenters in the thread disputing “Our Lying President’s” claim that — according to them — 5 million ‘illegals’ voted.

I blocked one. Sarcasm! remained so I took the screenshot.

Here’s what’s going on, since even with the shadowbans, Jack can’t control Twitter 100%.

These trolls are on Facebook, too. And Reddit is full of mass upvoting and downvoting swarms.

I have former colleagues (I now refer to extreme #Hillbots as such) who have organized entire websites to promote absurdly nonfactual information that Russian troll armies “influenced” the 2016 election and Trump has dealings with a Russian bank.

Twitter is worthless for business right now because it’s gone so far to the pro-Clinton political extreme that few are paying attention to it any longer; Facebook lost its social sharing value months ago for the average person.

Once upon a time, in 2008, many Democrats were working together with enthusiasm to create policies that would help our country. Policies voters were crying out for during the last election campaign. One of those Democrats was Susan Rice.

These are the first two pages of the “Right Deal” policy paper that the idiotic troll, likely an ESL speaker tweeting from an Eastern European nation, was “questioning” with their half-witted, half-baked 1995 phone tree-style responses.

We can quibble with many of these statements, especially “…smother it in a new strategic assertion of American power worldwide.”

But like it or not, and it’s a totally neocon document with Democrat names on it, it was at least about “policy.” As if there would be a policy of some type, and some concern for the well-being of American people. Jobs, healthcare, finance industry reform, the economy, are all mentioned in depth.

Not one thing in it except international interventionism happened.

My belief is that the main hindrance was the extremely corrupt, vision-free, venal, totally self-interested Clintons and their camp. I believe in their absence, more leadership would have occurred. I think they destroyed Barack Obama, his advisors with any type of vision or commitment to anything decent, and replaced it with the total crap that we see today. They took down all those people signatory on that document, including Susan Rice, and turned them into pure political functionaries.

And these are the people paying these trolls — the real troll army.

They know people talk and get information via social media and they want to disgust, demoralize and devalue so user engagement declines and they can do what they want with no scrutiny of any type.

We the people cannot let that happen. There is no use looking toward our Founding “Fathers.” We may as well take a tip from our sisters and brothers across the Atlantic.



Amy Sterling Casil
REAL in other words

Over 500 million views and 5 million published words, top writer in health and social media. Author of 50 books, former exec, Nebula nominee.