Why Sartre Thinks You’re a Coward if You Don’t Take Responsibility

Elan Kesilman-Davin, Ph.D.
Real Insight!
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2024


woman with hands crossed and outstretched, used to illustrate hiding from responsibility
Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Ever thought about how your choices define who you are? Jean-Paul Sartre sure did, and he had some pretty strong words for anyone who disagrees.

In his essay Existentialism Is a Humanism, Sartre famously said, “Man is condemned to be free.” What does he mean by that? Let’s break it down.



Elan Kesilman-Davin, Ph.D.
Real Insight!

Elan Kesilman-Davin, Ph.D. is an English and Psychology professor who writes about literature, writing, psychology, and philosophy.