Laugh at the Fear: Writing Tough Times With Powerful Humor


I’ve had my share of seasons in life filled with pain. You likely have too.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When was the last time you laughed at least 100 times in a day? If you’re like me, it’s hit and miss. Having a good sense of humor is beneficial to multiple aspects of your life.

I’ve had my share of seasons in life filled with pain.

You likely have too.

You may even be going through that season now.

It looks different for each person: a death, loss of a job, children going astray, divorce, physical pain or any other trial devastating to your daily life.

Often when going through these valleys, we feel like no one else could relate. Sometimes you just keep plowing through your days, waking with helplessness, and going to bed with anger.

One of my favorite things to do during tough times is to write about it.

I’m especially thrilled when I can write through those times with humor.

…yes, humor.

Sometimes life is so screwed up you just have to laugh.



Stacy Brookman: Resilience Leadership Coach
Real Life Resilience

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