Why Marisa Peer Scares Me

Amanda Robins
Real Life Resilience
3 min readAug 20, 2018


A friend mentioned her, and then, by a strange confluence of events I heard about her through a group I signed up to.

She is a celebrity therapist and therapist of celebrity, a hypnotherapist and creator of online products and something called RTT — rapid transformational therapy.

Rapid being the operative and lucrative word.

Curious, I googled and found she was everywhere. World-renowned and seemingly ubiquitous with her own (no-doubt expensive) training package for aspiring therapists she claims to be able to cure everything from acne to overeating to depression and on to the odd existential crisis.

I couldn’t find even one skeptic or nay-sayer.

But is that because her method and techniques are perfect and unimpeachable, or is it more due to exacting diligence on behalf of her army of digital marketers?

Is there a short cut to everything that we want in our lives?

Losing weight, stopping smoking, perhaps these things can be resolved through a course of hypnosis (although I have my doubts).

But Marisa Peer claims to have the answers to resolving childhood trauma, to financial success and to attracting our perfect mate — and our perfect life.



Amanda Robins
Real Life Resilience

Writer, artist, psychotherapist & seeker of the Snitch. Download my free ebook here: subscribepage.io/Reclaim-Your-Authentic-self