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Can You Keep Your Promises to Yourself?
January is the month when people resolve to stop smoking, get a better job, lose weight, and hundreds of other wanted changes in their lives. Unfortunately, according to national statistics, only five percent will actually accomplish any kind of lasting change.
The problem? Resolutions are nice little wishes that are quickly forgotten in the hustle-bustle of everyday living. To make real changes in your life, there needs to be a process of easy steps that move you methodically in the direction of your goals.
Here are a few suggestions to help you define and sharpen your actions. Add a little commitment and the future can truly be what you choose to make it.
Dream big. It’s only natural to have some level of fear about making changes in your life. For some, their fear is based on believing they’ll have to put their financial security at risk. But exploring your passion doesn’t have to lead you to the poorhouse. There is uncertainty in exploring anything new. But if you take your journey of discovery step-by-step, you’ll arrive at decision points along the way — places to either move forward (because you’re more sure of yourself or have more knowledge and experience), or modify your goals to accommodate the need for more time and resources.